Knowledge, risk behavior and Liver fluke prevalence, of Yasothorn province


  • วิวัฒน์ วิริยกิจจา The office of inspectors, Ministry of Public Health



knowledge, risk behavior, Liver fluke prevalence


The Study was aimed to assess the knowledge, risk behavior in relation to Liver fluke infection of residents in Yasothorn province and to study Liver fluke prevalence. Study population comprised 990 resi¬dents aged 15-60 years. Cluster sampling technique was used to recruit sampling units. Questionnaire developed by researcher was used for the data collection. Stool examination by Kato's thick smear method was carried out in order to assess Liver fluke prevalence. The study found that: The majority of the sample was aware in regards to knowledge concerning Liver fluke at good level (80.2°/o). Items of knowledge which acquired lowest scores were: Liver fluke was able to transmit from person to person and young stage of Liver fluke (or metacercaria) in fishes can be killed by raw lemon juice. Only 24.796 and 26.196 of the sample had the right answers for these two items, respectively. With regards to risk behavior in relation to disease infection and transmission, the majority of the samples ate raw fish from time to time as the following: raw fish Koi (chopped and favored with salty and sour test) - 43.196, raw fish Lab (minced and favored with salty and sour test) - 41.196, salty fermented raw fishes-45.896, sour fermented raw fishes-45.596. Raw fishes that they ate regularly were: papaya salad with fermented fishes- 84.996, fermented fishes - 8I.I96, chilly fermented fish paste - 71.296 and fermented fish sauce - 70.196. In relation to defecation behavior, the majority used toilet regularly (98.696) and used pit toilets when they were at filed work (55.3°/o). Findings from the stool examination showed that the prevalence of Liver fluke in Yasothorn was 10.596. Among the districts, Kamkuankaew district had the highest prevalence (22.996) and Saimoon district was the second (15.296) and Kaowang district was the third (10.696). The Chi-square to assess the relationship of baseline information and risk behavior found significant relationship. Sex, age, hometown background and stool exami¬nation experience were significantly associated with raw fish eating (p< 0.05). Defecation behavior and raw fish eating (raw fish Koi, raw fish Lab, sour raw fishes, salty fermented raw fishes, sour fermented raw fishes) were significantly associated with Liver fluke presented (p < 0.05).


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How to Cite

วิริยกิจจา ว. Knowledge, risk behavior and Liver fluke prevalence, of Yasothorn province. Dis Control J [Internet]. 2014 Jun. 30 [cited 2024 Dec. 20];40(2):179-90. Available from:



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