Comparison of cost-effectiveness of new Leprosy case finding between rapid village survey and the Sub District Headman - the Village Headman


  • สุชัญญา มานิตย์ศิริกุล The Office of Disease Prevention and Control 5 Nakhon Ratchasima
  • ญาดา โตอุตชนม์ The Office of Disease Prevention and Control 5 Nakhon Ratchasima



Leprosy, cost-effectiveness, rapid village survey, The Sub District Headman - the Village Headman


The most important strategies for leprosy control program is focus on finding and detecting leprosy patients in the early stage. Then, we give chemotherapy treatment to patients immediately before patient becoming exacerbation phase and disability. The ways to find new leprosy patients have invented and developed continuously. Initially, we start from exploring all citizens with total village survey (TVS) method and rapid village survey (RVS). Later on, the studies have been developed to find new leprosy patients with the cooperation of the sub district headman or the village headman. As for this research, it aims to compare the cost-effectiveness of the way to search new leprosy patients between quick surveys the village and searching by the sub district headman - the village headman. Besides, this study is an analytical study analysis that aims to compare 2 alternative methods of public health economics; cost and what has come out of the investment. In addition, we use the tools to analyze, compare and evaluate the cost-effectiveness, prospective study, select a specific (purposive) in areas where there are indications of epidemiology in controlling lep¬rosy. The results of the 2 methods of cost analysis, we found that the total cost of searching by RVS is higher than searching by the sub district headman - the village headman about 3,119.9 Baht. Besides, RVS can find new patients 3 cases, while searching by the sub district headman - the village headman cannot find new case. Further, the cost-effectiveness of RVS method is 19,528.9 Baht, while searching by the sub district headman or the village headman cannot count the amount of cost using due to none output. From the 2 survey methods, there have been by our comprehensive search leprosy using the RVS, which is the standard of the World Health Organization. RVS area cannot found new cases added, while searching by the sub district headman - the village headman can found 1 new case. If this new leprosy patient cannot be founded, then the patient becomes disability from leprosy. The public sector will incur the cost of caring for the disabled for quite high amount of expense. Therefore, the study should be continuously progressed further in term of its cost utility analysis. Then, this will prevent the occurrence of leprosy patients with disabilities from discovery delay or not treating. Eventually, we can use these information later for planning the effective leprosy preven¬tion and control.


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How to Cite

มานิตย์ศิริกุล ส, โตอุตชนม์ ญ. Comparison of cost-effectiveness of new Leprosy case finding between rapid village survey and the Sub District Headman - the Village Headman. Dis Control J [Internet]. 2014 Jun. 30 [cited 2024 Dec. 20];40(2):111-7. Available from:



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