Factors associated with serum cholinesterase levels of farmers in Songkhla Province


  • สุนันท์ ศรีวิรัตน์ Songkhla Provincial Public Health Office
  • สุวพิทย์ แก้วสนิท Songkhla Provincial Public Health Office




farmer, serum cholinesterase


The purpose of this study were to explore factors associated with serum cholinesterase levels of farmers in Songkhla Province. Fourteen thousand six hundred and three farmers who exposed to pesticide were selected by purposive sampling. Data were collected using a risk assessment for farmers exposure pesticide questionnaire developed by the Bureau of Occupational and Environmental Diseases, Department of Disease Control. Fingertip blood were also taken from farmers for cholinesterase analysis. Frequency, percentage and chi-square were used to analyze data. The results showed that 55.4% of the participants were women, with age between 41-50 years old. Of these, 90.6% were owner of the farm and 84.7% had poor pesticide use behaviors. In addition, 76.6% of farmers had low risk levels and 84.4% had no symptoms after pesticide exposure. Most common symptoms were rhinitis (7.5%), cough (5.9%) and headache (4.6%), respec¬tively. A half of farmers had normal serum cholinesterase levels (56.1%). Sex, age, occupation, personal protective equipment use, risk levels of behaviors and such symptoms were significantly related to serum cholinesterase levels (p<0.05). This study recommended that the Provincial Public Health office should set the policy to prevent and control pesticide poisoning addressing safety behaviors of farmers. In addition, the surveillance system should be established soon.


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How to Cite

ศรีวิรัตน์ ส, แก้วสนิท ส. Factors associated with serum cholinesterase levels of farmers in Songkhla Province. Dis Control J [Internet]. 2015 Jun. 30 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];41(2):130-41. Available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/DCJ/article/view/153850



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