Evaluation of risk areas for rabies along Thai-Myanmar border, Tak Province, 2015


  • ชำนาญ ปินนา Tak Provincial Public Health Office
  • สุชาติ มูลสวัสดิ์ Tak Provincial Livestock Office
  • สมศรี คำภีระ Tak Provincial Public Health Office
  • ศรัณยา บุรารักษ์ Tak Provincial Public Health Office
  • คณิศร มณเฑียรทอง Thasailuat Sub-district Municipality




evaluation of risk area, rabies surveillance network, Thai-Myanmar border, One Health


Strengthening the disease surveillance and response systems along international border was needed, and it should continuously be cooperated with all stakeholders. A network of rabies surveillance in Tak had adopted One Health approach strengthening capabilities of rabies surveillance system along Thai-Myanmar border. The goal of rabies elimination by 2020 was also motivated the capacity of rabies surveillance. The objective of this study aimed to evaluate risk areas for rabies along Thai-Myanmar border. Data were collected from rabies surveillance network both quantitative data such as survey of animal populations and vaccine coverage in animals. Reports from inspection and meeting minutes were analyzed as qualitative data. The data were described by descriptive statistics. The results found that there were human rabies deaths in Tak almost every year. Most of them were exposed to rabies from Myanmar side. There was an assumption that Myanmar had an occurrence of rabid animals and could be a potential risk of rabies for human and animals along border areas. Therefore, coverage of rabies vaccine in animal populations should be reaching to at a high level around those areas probably more than 80.0%. However, there was overall rabies vaccination coverage at 69.6% in Tak. For evaluating rabies free area in each sub-district, it found that no rabies death case and samples of animals were positive result for rabies with two consecutive years. Most of municipal governments in Tak could not conduct the rabies vaccination campaign due to the procurement process. In order to reduce the risk of rabies and accelerate rabies free area, all stakeholders should conduct campaigns to increase vaccination coverage in animals every year. In addition, municipal government should regulate the special laws to control the stray dogs.


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How to Cite

ปินนา ช, มูลสวัสดิ์ ส, คำภีระ ส, บุรารักษ์ ศ, มณเฑียรทอง ค. Evaluation of risk areas for rabies along Thai-Myanmar border, Tak Province, 2015. Dis Control J [Internet]. 2015 Dec. 31 [cited 2024 Dec. 20];41(4):320-8. Available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/DCJ/article/view/153661



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