An analysis of relationship between pesticides purchasing rate and admission rate from pesticides toxicity in Thailand, fiscal year 2014


  • พิบูล อิสสระพันธุ์ Bureau of Occupational and Environmental Diseases, Department of Disease Control
  • ภูษณิศา ฉลาดเลิศ Bureau of Occupational and Environmental Diseases, Department of Disease Control



agriculture, pesticides, admission, suicidal attempt


The purpose of this study was to find relationship between rate of pesticides purchasing by farmers and admission rate due to related pesticides toxicity. The study included both the admissions from accident and from suicidal attempts. Admission data from nationwide hospitals in fiscal year 2014 was retrieved from National Health Security Office and was filtered for admissions from acute pesticides toxicity. The data was summarized to provincial level and grouped by causative pesticides. The purchasing data was retrieved from Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives and was summarized to provincial level. The data was joined together and analyzed. Linear relationship was found between the admission rate (number of admissions per 100,000) from accidental pesticides toxicity and the rate of purchasing (pesticide cost/population) and between the admission rate from pesticides related suicidal attempt and the rate of purchasing. Relationships between subgroups of purchasing and related toxicity were also found. The conclusion was that the more pesticides bought, the more admissions from toxicity, so registration and distribution of highly toxic pesticides should be strictly controlled. Risk communication on unsafe application should be emphasis. More research on safety of pesticides applying should be done. Organic agriculture should be promoted.


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How to Cite

อิสสระพันธุ์ พ, ฉลาดเลิศ ภ. An analysis of relationship between pesticides purchasing rate and admission rate from pesticides toxicity in Thailand, fiscal year 2014. Dis Control J [Internet]. 2015 Dec. 31 [cited 2024 Dec. 20];41(4):297-308. Available from:



Original Article