Development of computer instruction package (e-learning) on cholera
บทเรียนคอมพิวเตอร์การสอน, อหิวาตกโรค, อีเลิร์นนิ่ง, ประสิทธิภาพ, ความพึงพอใจAbstract
The purposes of this quasi experimental research were to (1) Development and evaluate the efficiency of computer instruction package (e-learning) on cholera. (2) compare the student's achievement before and after using the computer instructional package (CIP), (3) study learners' satisfaction towards the computer instruction package (CIP). The samples were derived from purposive sampling among healthcare officers who responsible for food and water bone diseases in provincial level total of 128 persons. Research tools were as follows: (1) the computer instruction package (e-leaning) on cholera. (2) an achievement tests, and (3) questionnaire of the learners' satisfaction. Gathering the data was from the evaluation is being done before and after learning the computer instruction package, and satisfactory questions measuring in 5 levels. The statistics that used in data analysis were percentage, the average, percentage, standard deviation and t-test. The research results revealed that the effectiveness (E1/E2) of computer instruction package was 88.95/86.28 which was higher than criteria set (80/80). The computer instruction package (e-learning) on cholera was significantly higher than before using it at p-value = 0.05. The satisfaction of the learner was in high level at 4.42. In conclusion, computer instruction package can help healthcare officers individu¬ally know and understand the content on cholera. The officers in charge can use the advantage of this study for developing computer instruction packages on relating topics and linking them in online system in order to develop learning system in the future.
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