Capacity building of health personnel's involvement in prevention Ventilator-associated Pneumonia


  • สุขสม เอื้ออริยกุล Buddhachinaraj Hospital



personnel involvement, prevention Ventilator-associated Pneumonia


The incidence of patients on mechanical ventilators were 8 persons/day in male Medical and Stroke Unit I, Buddhachinaraj Hospital. In March 2014, the incidence rate of Ventilator-associated Pneumonia was rising to 16.10 times/1,000 ventilator-days. Ventilator-associated Pneumonia leads to increase unit cost and death rate. Therefore, the purposes of this study were to assess the current knowledge, practices, motiva¬tion and complacency of nurses and nurse assistants in the male Medical and Stroke Unit I. Appropriate capacity building were intervened and measurement the impacts were evaluate thereafter. Twenty profes¬sional nurses and 13 nurse assistants and 4 infectious control nurses were enrolled in the study. Both quanti¬tative data and qualitative data were also collected by questionnaires and focus group interview respectively. Average and percentage f-test were used to analyze the quantitative data while quantitative data was analyze by content analysis method. Sixty nine percents of nurses and 67.60#> of nurse assistants have favourable test results (passed 70.0096 of the total scores) on VAP prevention. Taking account for the inspiration and satisfaction on working in the unit, they were 71.1296, 64.3796 and 68.8996, 66.3896 respectively among nurses and nurse assistants. The researches team set up capacity building course for enrolled health personels with knowledge improvement, motivation, participation, working in team and clear guideline for practice was also developed by applying the mentioned interventions and measurement of the performances of the enrolled participants round 1, 2 and 3 six months apart, it revealed significant difference in term of performance and the rate of VAP dropped from average 5.15/1,000 ventilator-days to 2.52, 2.69 and 0.95 respectively.


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How to Cite

เอื้ออริยกุล ส. Capacity building of health personnel’s involvement in prevention Ventilator-associated Pneumonia. Dis Control J [Internet]. 2015 Mar. 31 [cited 2024 Jul. 18];41(1):1-13. Available from:



Original Article