The development of health information literacy competency framework for public health technical officer in tambon health promoting hospital in Thailand


  • ภมร ดรุณ Ph.D. candidate in Information Science, School of Liberal Arts, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University
  • สมพร พุทธาพิทักษ์ผล Information Science Program, School of Liberal Arts, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University
  • นิตยา เพ็ญศิรินภา School of Health Science, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University
  • อารีย์ ชื่นวัฒนา Library and Information Center, Dhurakij Pundit University



health information literacy, competency framework, public health technical officer


This research aimed to study the competencies that are the components of health information literacy and to construct the health information literacy competency framework for public health technical officer in tambon health promoting hospital in Thailand. The methodology applied in this study was qualitative research. The samples were 10 public health technical officer in tambon health promoting hospital who had superior performances. Purposive sampling method was used. The selection criterion for superior performances was considered from public health technical officer who had got the research or innovation awards. Data was collected by in-depth interview. Content analysis was used to analyze data and synthesize the draft of the health information literacy competency framework. Focus group discussion was conducted to approve the framework. The 7 experts were purposively selected to perform the discussion. The results revealed that health information literacy of public health technical officer in tambon health promoting hospital contained 6 components and there were 13 competencies within the components. Health information literacy competency framework for public health technical officer in tambon health promoting hospital in Thailand consisted of 6 components and each component contained the competencies as follows; (1) SCOPE comprised 7 competencies, namely, problem solving thinking, creative thinking, information seeking strategy, teamwork, communication, community understanding, analytical thinking. (2) ACCESS comprised 3 competencies, namely, search skill, analytical thinking, relationship building. (3) EVALUATE comprised 4 competencies, namely, critical thinking, analytical thinking, relationship building, communication. (4) APPLY comprised 4 competencies, namely, communication, result orientation, relationship building, community understanding. (5) ETHICS comprised 1 competency, namely, ethics and integrity. (6) LEARN comprised 1 competency, namely, commitment to learning. This framework can be used to develop the information skills of public health technical officer in tambon health promoting hospital.


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How to Cite

ดรุณ ภ, พุทธาพิทักษ์ผล ส, เพ็ญศิรินภา น, ชื่นวัฒนา อ. The development of health information literacy competency framework for public health technical officer in tambon health promoting hospital in Thailand. Dis Control J [Internet]. 2016 Mar. 31 [cited 2024 Dec. 20];42(1):67-78. Available from:



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