A development of the effectiveness of performances for the tuberculosis transmission of prevention and control in hospitals


  • รุ้งรังษี วิบูลชัย Boromarajonani College of Nursing Sapasithiprasong
  • เพชรมณี วิริยะสืบพงศ์ Boromarajonani College of Nursing Sapasithiprasong
  • รัชนี วงศ์แสน Infection Control Nursing of Nakornping Hospital
  • ศุภชัย สิงโห Department of Health Service Support




effectiveness, tuberculosis transmission of prevention and control, hospitals


The research‘s objective were to develop and evaluate the effectiveness of the performances for the tuberculosis transmission of prevention and control in hospitals. The research design was applied the research and development. The population sand sample were the head of infection control in hospitals, nurses in TB clinic, and occupational health staffs determined with the effectiveness of the performances for tuberculosis transmission of prevention and control in hospitals. The sample size was estimated by proportion 310 samples and multistage random sampling. Moreover; this research was divided in to three phases. The first phase was preparatings and planning, these steps were through the situation analysis. The second phases were transformed action plan and carried on the performances for tuberculosis transmission of the prevention and control by practical guide-line, capacity buiding, monitoring quarterly. The final phase was evaluated the effectiveness of the performances for the tuberculosis transmission of prevention and control in hospitals. The evaluation forms were examined validity by 5 experts and reliability used alpha Cronbach’s amount 0.83. The data analyses were carried out based on contents analysis, and descriptive statistics percentage median and chi-square. These data were collected through observations, and evaluation form. The analysis of the data involved both qualitative as well as quantitative methods. The results of this study showed that: (1) The situation analysis of the performances for the tuberculosis transmission of prevention and control in hospitals was the lack of a specific plan for the tuberculosis transmission of prevention and control in hospitals. (2) The development of an action plan that takes action plan as part of the fourth plan (3) An operation manual for the prevention, control the spread of tuberculosis in hospital (4) The results of the competency development personnel found, that 98.00 percent performance increase (5) The monitoring found that a measure of operating procedures to prevent and control the tuberculosis transmission with performances indicators which were operated quarterly. (6) The results of evaluation for the tuberculosis transmission of prevention and control in hospitals were varied. The recommendations of this research, the director of hospital should have specific policies and evaluate their performances for the tuberculosis transmission of prevention and control in hospitals constantly. Moreover, these activities are linked of the number of the health care workers of pulmonary tuberculosis and tuberculosis exposure times of healthcare staffs and patients.


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How to Cite

วิบูลชัย ร, วิริยะสืบพงศ์ เ, วงศ์แสน ร, สิงโห ศ. A development of the effectiveness of performances for the tuberculosis transmission of prevention and control in hospitals. Dis Control J [internet]. 2016 Mar. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 11];42(1):44-5. available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/DCJ/article/view/152068



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