Morbidity and mortality situation of non-communicable diseases (diabetes type 2 and cardiovascular diseases) in Thailand during 2010-2014


  • สุพัตรา ศรีวณิชชากร Thai Board of Preventive Medicine (Epidemiology) Department of Disease Control



non-communicable disease, situation, mortality, morbidity, Thailand, 43 files databased


The objectives of this study is to analyze the existing death registration and 43 files services based data to show the mortality and morbidity situation of 4 NCDs in Thailand (diabetes, hypertension, stroke and ischemic heart disease) during 2010-2014 to indicate the target population and issues for NCD prevention and control. This study is a descriptive study by using secondary data of 4 NCDs (diabetes, hypertension, stroke and ischemic heart disease) from (1) the national death registration (2) the 43 files services based of overall service facilities under the Ministry of Public Health (not include Bangkok) during 2010-2014 from the Bureau of Policy and Strategy and (3) the mid-year population data from the National Statistic Office. The data was verified and clean and then analyzed the age-specific, sex-specific morbidity and mortality rate by years and by 12 regions. Findings: the mortality rate and the prevalence of 4 NCDs have been increasing during 2010-2014 both male and female and all over 12 regions with different rates. Those of males in¬creased more rapidly than female; and the rates of people aged 70 and more were highest the premature death (aged 30-69 yrs) of all 4 NCDs increased with the rate of 28.1% in male and 18.8% in female which is higher than the NCD-WHO-targets. The increasing rate of mortality and morbidity was also observed in the younger population. The prevalence of diabetes and hypertension from this data based was found higher in female than male. But the ischemic heart disease and stroke was found in male higher than male. The situa¬tions was also different among health regions in Thailand. Conclusion and recommendations: the situation of 4 NCDs showed the serious situation of NCD in Thailand that need the more specific and more effective diseases prevention and control especially for the male and the working age population


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How to Cite

ศรีวณิชชากร ส. Morbidity and mortality situation of non-communicable diseases (diabetes type 2 and cardiovascular diseases) in Thailand during 2010-2014. Dis Control J [internet]. 2017 Dec. 29 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];43(4):379-90. available from:



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