The development of driven mechanism for the integrated NCD (non-communicable disease) Quality Clinics of the academic center network in the area under responsibility of the Office of Disease Prevention and Control Region 10, Ubon Ratchathani


  • จุติพร ผลเกิด Office of Disease Prevention and Control Region 10, Ubon Ratchathani



driven mechanism, NCD Quality Clinic, integrated


This action research was aim to develop the driven mechanism of the integrated NCD (non-com-municable disease) Quality Clinic of the academic center network in the area responsibility of the Office of Disease Prevention and Control Region 10, Ubon Ratchathani under the concept of NCD Quality Clinic and management. Target group were the health working group board on driven and quality assurance of non-com-municable disease, Health Service Provider Board office 8th and 10th, 2015, and the non-communicable disease board of district level in 45 districts. Data was collected by brainstorming and in-depth interview by self-assessment form of integrated NCD Quality Clinic and documentary review. Data was analyzed by con¬tent analysis for qualitative data and descriptive statistics for quantitative data. Finding: the process of driven mechanism were as followed; (1) The study network’s context was found the problem of the manpower and the budget for driven the NCD Quality Clinic; (2) Planning were divided in the plan of network of health working group board, and plan and the driven NCD Quality Clinic of province and district level, and the model of quality assurance on NCD clinic; (3) The practicing driven by the integrated network with the method of teaching the guidance, the goals, and the model of practicing. The provincial and district driven as well as self-evaluation; and (4) Evaluation: was found 45 districts (100%) were evaluated and assurance and 44 districts (97.78) were reached to the criteria of NCD Quality Clinic. This integrated driven mecha¬nism was obviously on the mission and the goal whereas the problem of manpower of some offices were solving by man supporting from other offices within network.


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How to Cite

ผลเกิด จ. The development of driven mechanism for the integrated NCD (non-communicable disease) Quality Clinics of the academic center network in the area under responsibility of the Office of Disease Prevention and Control Region 10, Ubon Ratchathani. Dis Control J [Internet]. 2017 Dec. 29 [cited 2024 Dec. 19];43(4):368-7. Available from:



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