A need assessment for service development of cardiovascular disease risk assessment tools


  • แพรพรรณ ภูริบัญชา Office of Disease Prevention and ControlRegion 6, Khon Kaen
  • บุญทนากร พรมภักดี Office of Disease Prevention and ControlRegion 6, Khon Kaen
  • สุปรียา จรทะผา Office of Disease Prevention and ControlRegion 6, Khon Kaen




needs assessment


A descriptive study of needs assessment for coronary vascular disease risk assessment tools bysurvey health care providers in 9 provinces of Office of Disease Prevention and Control Region 6, Khon Kaen. We used multi-stage cluster random sampling. Stage 1 samples from 50.0% of provinces, stage 2 from 50.0% of districts in each provinces and stage 3 from three health promotion hospitals in each districts.Samples enrolled from public health provincial offices, NCD clinic, primary health care unit and health promotion hospital enrolled to the study from March to October 2015. Data collection by questionaire and focus group, analysis by descriptive statistics and content analysis. The study enrolled 210 health care providers, 91.9% were female, 92.9% were nurses, mean age 41 years and maximum experienced was 24years. We categorized CVD risk assessment tools into 3 groups. Group A, 74.3% of samples used WHO/ISM risk prediction chart according to policy and useful for service plan of CVD prevention. Group B, 70.0% of samples used CVD assessment of Department of Disease Control according to long term used that integrateswith DM & HT screening. Group C, 44.8% of samples used Rama-EGAT score which can detect more risk group than other tools, and useful for CVD preventive plan. Recommendation from the study to policy maker implement CVD risk assessment tools needs (1) Policy communication to health care providers understanding CVD risk assessment tools simply use in risk group. (2) Development knowledge and skill of health care providers and multidisciplinary teams in all hospitals how to use CVD risk assessment tools. (3) Development behavior changing programs (new lifestyle) to each risk group. (4) Risk group management system includes data collection, analysis and report.


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How to Cite

ภูริบัญชา แ, พรมภักดี บ, จรทะผา ส. A need assessment for service development of cardiovascular disease risk assessment tools. Dis Control J [internet]. 2017 Sep. 29 [cited 2025 Mar. 11];43(3):244-5. available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/DCJ/article/view/150179



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