Risk factors of cardiovascular disease prevention among diabetic patients receiving healthcare services in Kuannieng Hospital, Songkhla Province


  • คณาวุฒิ นิธิกุล Kuannieng Hospital, Songkhla Province




cardiovascular disease, diabetes mellitus


This research were to identify risk factor levels towards cardiovascular disease among diabetic patients receiving healthcare services in Kuannieng Hospital, Songkhla Province. The samples were 457 diabetic patients receiving healthcare services in Kuannieng Hospital between 2014 and 2015. Medical records were employed for data collection. Data were analyzed using chi square test and spearman correlation coefficient and to stusdy the effectiveness of behavioral change program among risk groups of cardiovascular disease. The samples were 74 diabetic patients with separated into 2 groups, experimental and control group. Significant level was set up at 0.05 for testing the hypothesis. The results revealed that diabetic patients had very low and low levels of cardiovascular disease risk factors at 60.40% and 23.40%, respectively. Additionally, 12.50%, 2.80%, and 0.90% had moderate, high, and very high levels of cardiovascular disease risk factors, respectively. The results indicated that cigarette smoking was associated with cardiovascular disease statistically significant at 0.01. Age, blood pressure levels, and cholesterol levels were positively correlated with levels of cardiovascular disease risk factors statistically significant at 0.001. Further, the program on behavioral change of cardiovascular disease prevention among population at risk in diabetic patients by applying motivation theory can be employed as an implentatation guildline. The program illustrated that the intervention group showed greater perception scores in 4 aspects including scores of cardiovascular disease prevention behaviors than before intervention and than those of the control group significantly at 0.05. As a result, risk factors of cardiovascular disease prevention and behavioral changing program should be utilized as a guildeline for surveillance and exchanging behavior for population at risk of cardiovascular disease among diabetic patients. Additionally, the program should be covered the targated group and can be applied for every level of healthcare sectors appropriately.


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How to Cite

นิธิกุล ค. Risk factors of cardiovascular disease prevention among diabetic patients receiving healthcare services in Kuannieng Hospital, Songkhla Province. Dis Control J [internet]. 2017 Apr. 28 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];43(2):196-20. available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/DCJ/article/view/150130



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