Epidemiology of malarial disease in Kap Choeng District, Surin Province: analysis of secondary data of year 2010-2014


  • พิทวัส เหล่าอุดม Kap Choeng Hospital, Surin Province
  • สมหมาย สุพรรณภพ Kap Choeng Hospital, Surin Province
  • รัษฎากร ยิ้มสบาย Institute of Medicine, Suranaree University of Technology, Nakhon Ratchasima
  • พักตร์วิมล ศุภลักษณศึกษากร Institute of Medicine, Suranaree University of Technology, Nakhon Ratchasima




malaria, incidence, treatment outcome, Kap Choeng District


Malaria is a mosquito-borne infectious disease caused by parasitic protozoans of the genus Plasmodium. Malaria is still a public health problem in Thailand especially in the border areas. The aim of this study was to identify the incidence, epidemiological characters of patients and treatment outcomes of malarial diseases in Kap Choeng District, Surin Province. A retrospective descriptive study was conducted using a secondary data analysis. All malaria cases treated at Kap Choeng hospital and the Vector Borne Diseases Control Unit of 5.3.2 (VBDCU 5.3.2) between 2010-2014 were collected for analysis. Malaria records of the hospital and the VBDCU 5.3.2 were retrieved. The main variables were comprised of demographic data, risk occupation, type of malarial infection, date of diagnosis and treatment outcome. Descriptive statistics was applied to describe the characteristics of malaria cases and the proportion of malaria infection. During 2010-2014, a number of 133, 76, 22, 41 and 71 malaria cases were diagnosed with incidence rates of 2.1, 1.3, 0.4, 0.7 and 1.2 per 1000 population, respectively. Approximately three-fourths of them were infected only one time and the rest were infected more than one time during the 5 year-study. An average of infection per 1 person was 1.5 times. Most of the malaria cases were Thai males of all age groups. Among 407 malarial infections, 85.3% were positive for P. vivax, 13.0% for P. falciparum and 1.7% for mixed-infections. Most of them were distributed in Tambon Dan, Tambon Khoktakhian and in the area bordering Cambodia. Occupations with likelihood of exposure to malaria were those involving work near the border areas. At follow-up on day 3 and day 7-28 after treatment, 4.4% (P. falciparum 15.4%, P. vivax 0.7%) and 3.5% (P. falciparum 10.3%, P. vivax 2.1%) of blood tests were still positive, respectively. In addition, at follow-up on day 28 after treatment, 97.1% (P. falciparum 91.4%, P. vivax 98.5%) of blood tests were negative. The key findings of this study confirmed that malaria is still a problem in Kap Choeng District. Blood test surveillance with PCR among the recurrent cases should be considered for monitoring for drug resistance or new infection. Malaria control measures should be evaluated and strengthened.


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เหล่าอุดม พ, สุพรรณภพ ส, ยิ้มสบาย ร, ศุภลักษณศึกษากร พ. Epidemiology of malarial disease in Kap Choeng District, Surin Province: analysis of secondary data of year 2010-2014. Dis Control J [Internet]. 2017 Apr. 28 [cited 2024 Dec. 20];43(2):130-8. Available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/DCJ/article/view/149929



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