Participation of community leaders for alcohol drinking prevention in Thungchang District, Nan Province


  • ทรงพล ศาลาคาม Master degee of Public Health in Public Health Administration of Health ScienceSukhothai Thammathirat Open University
  • อารยา ประเสริฐชัย School of Health Science, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University
  • ช่อทิพย์ บรมธนรัตน์ School of Health Science, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University



community leader, alcohol drinking


The purposes of this descriptive research were to (1) describe personal characteristic; knowledge, attitude and practice of community leader for alcohol drinking (2) study the participation of community leaders for alcohol drinking prevention and (3) examine the relationship between the personal characteristic, knowledge, attitude, practice of community leader for alcohol drinking and the participation of community leaders for alcohol drinking prevention. A sample of 165 paticipants was selected, using the purposive sampling method, from who is the community leaders in Thungchang District, Nan Province. Data were collected using a questionnaire, whose reliability value was about 0.88, and then analyzed to determine percentages, means, standard deviation and Pearson product-moment correlation. The results of this study were as follows; community leaders are male (67.27%), age in rang of 51-60 years old (41.82%), most were married (91.51%), Graduated high school or equivalent (55.76%), they were still subdistrict council members or subdistrict municipality members (46.06%), appointed positions lower 5 years (53.94%), high level of knowledge for alcohol drinking prevention (67.27%), high level of attitude for alcohol drinking prevention (64.24%), high level of practice of community leaders for alcohol drinking prevention (46.67%), high level of participation of community leaders for alcohol drinking prevention in 3 aspect such as: evaluation, determine and practice whereas moderate level of the benefit obtain stage. The positions, duration of appointed positions were low positive associated, different statistical significant level of 0.01 (r = 0.205, 0.215 respective). Knowledge, attitude and practice of community were moderate positive associated, different statistical significant level of 0.001 (r = 0.365, 0.391, 0.639). whereas age and educational level were not. From this result recommended for usage in planning and development process according to folk way and communities development condition, enhance the role of community leaders for alcohol drinking prevention in term of health advocacy, strengthen personal accountability, strengthen knowledge and the low understanding in people and strengthen public policy for drinking prevention and respect in law. For more efficiency.


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How to Cite

ศาลาคาม ท, ประเสริฐชัย อ, บรมธนรัตน์ ช. Participation of community leaders for alcohol drinking prevention in Thungchang District, Nan Province. Dis Control J [internet]. 2017 Mar. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];43(1):25-34. available from:



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