Monitoring and evaluation of surveillance and prevention of food poisoning diseases in schools, 2017


  • ชนัดดา ตั้งวงศ์จุลเนียม Bureau of General Communicable Diseases, Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Public Health, Thailand



food poisoning, school, food and waterborne diseases


Bureau of Epidemiology’s surveillance data has shown that food poisoning is among the top 10 disease burden in Thailand. The incidence of the disease has been increasing during the past 5 years. This study reported the progression of the Department of Disease Control’s (DDC’s) food-and-water-borne disease (FWBD) control program both at the national and regional levels. We collected the data by reviewing FWBD control program performance in each regional Office of Disease Prevention and Control (ODPC) and interviewing regional health officers in charge of FWBD control program. The author collected the information of networking structure, input including budget and equipment, process, and output by the evaluation tools. The output was assessed by 2 measures, reduction of food poisoning incidence and number of schools participating in DDC’s FWBD control program. Results showed that the target incidence of food poisoning in schools was not achieved at the national level. Only 75% of ODPCs achieved the target of food poisoning incidence reduction. For the participating school, the target was achieved at the national level and 83.3% of ODPCs achieved their target number. Although some ODPCs could achieve the target plan of food and waterborne diseases, studies on efficiency and effectiveness of the program should be carried out by the provincial health offices.


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How to Cite

ตั้งวงศ์จุลเนียม ช. Monitoring and evaluation of surveillance and prevention of food poisoning diseases in schools, 2017. Dis Control J [internet]. 2018 Sep. 28 [cited 2025 Mar. 11];44(3):305-14. available from:



Original Article