Efficiency comparison of AnyplexTM MTB/NTM Real-time Detection and AnyplexTM II MTB/MDR Detection with Genotype MTBDRplus Ver2.0 for detection Mycobacterium tuberculosis and MDR-TB


  • ไกรฤกษ์ สุธรรม Disease Control Medical Laboratory, Office of Disease Prevention and Control Region 5, Ratchaburi
  • ณัฏฐกัญจน์ ทิพย์เครือ Disease Control Medical Laboratory, Office of Disease Prevention and Control Region 5, Ratchaburi
  • ศุภฤกษ์ โกมลศิริ Disease Control Medical Laboratory, Office of Disease Prevention and Control Region 5, Ratchaburi
  • ผกาพร พุ่มพวง Disease Control Medical Laboratory, Office of Disease Prevention and Control Region 5, Ratchaburi




Laboratory diagnosis for MTB and drug resistance TB is the main factor for success in tuberculosis treatment. Currently, molecular biology techniques are used for several infectious- diseases diagnostics because of its high sensitivity, high specificity, and uncomplicated, time-consuming effectiveness and could be used for screening tests. Although molecular biology technique for TB diagnostic which is endorsed by the World Health Organization (WHO) is Line Probe Assay (LPA); the reverse hybridization method, but many laboratories in Thailand use Real-time PCR for TB diagnostic instead. This study was aimed to compare Anyplex™ MTB/NTM Real-time Detection and Anyplex™ II MTB/MDR Detection by Real-time PCR method with Genotype MTBDRplus by LPA method for TB diagnosis on rifampicin-resistant TB (RIF-resistant TB), isoniazid-resistant TB (INH-resistant TB) and multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) detection. One hundred and forty seven patients’ sputa which obtained from the laboratory of the Office of Disease Prevention and Control Region 5, Ratchaburi were parallelly tested by two methods. The results showed high efficacy of this Real-time PCR system by comparing with LPA. There are 100%, 88.89%, 100% and 100% of the sensitivities, 100%, 99.06%, 100% and 100% of the specificities, 100% 88.89%, 100% and 100% of the positive predictive values and 100%, 99.06%, 100% and 100% of the negative predictive values for TB, RIF-resistant TB, INH-resistant TB and MDR-TB detection, respectively. In conclusion, this Real-time PCR; its simple, convenient and rapid technique, could be the high performance method for TB diagnostic and its TB resistance detection. This method can assist the medical personnel for the proper TB treatments for controlling the spreading out of TB in the communities.


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How to Cite

สุธรรม ไ, ทิพย์เครือ ณ, โกมลศิริ ศ, พุ่มพวง ผ. Efficiency comparison of AnyplexTM MTB/NTM Real-time Detection and AnyplexTM II MTB/MDR Detection with Genotype MTBDRplus Ver2.0 for detection Mycobacterium tuberculosis and MDR-TB. Dis Control J [internet]. 2018 Sep. 28 [cited 2025 Mar. 11];44(3):293-304. available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/DCJ/article/view/148041



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