The development of participatory action research in Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Public Health


  • อัญญา นิมิหุต Bureau Of Knowledge Management, Department of Disease Control



participatory action research, human resource development, Department of Disease Control


This study aims to develop participatory action research in the personnel department of disease control, Ministry of Public Health and development of prevention and control disease with the participation of the people in the area. Selected to represent a specific selection of the personnel who support the research from the Department of Disease Control, representatives of six projects as a researcher, Department of Disease Control, 23 people, and researcher's communities, 33 developed using the workshop to the participants. Research Methodology understand concepts. Creation Tool and the use of social research. The participants made participatory action research, coupled with training. Collect and analyze qualitative data results showed that the participants the skills and participatory action research six areas: (1) The notification of migrant workers to receive medical treatment (2) The attitude was needed to reduce smoking rates among youth (3) form a community issue thoroughly. The prevention among youths (4) The promotion of dietary habits for the prevention of chronic diseases (5) The issue of stray dogs to prevent rabies control in the area, and (6) format to create engaging communities to eliminate mosquito larvae. After the end of the study showed that the pattern of disease prevention and control of six community representatives, formed by five research areas of activities that can have only one place to be with the Department of Disease Control personnel perform all the steps. Due to lack of continuity in the area to improve the involvement of the community. These findings the government should encourage personnel management practice disease prevention and control with the community. And extend the results to the Office of Disease Prevention and Control 1-12.


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How to Cite

นิมิหุต อ. The development of participatory action research in Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Public Health. Dis Control J [internet]. 2015 Sep. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 11];41(3):200-7. available from:



Original Article