Acquired indirect unilateral chronic reducible scrotal hernia in an Arabian stallion


  • Mohamed A. Marzok
  • Adel I. Almubarak
  • Mahmoud Kandeel
  • Adel A. Badawy


Arabian horse, Chronic scrotal hernia, Unilateral, Acquired


This case report describes the presentation and surgical management of acquired indirect unilateral chronic reducible scrotal herniation in an 8-year-old Arabian stallion. The horse had a history of moderate unilateral swelling of the scrotum that had been noticed by the owner for 10 months. Upon palpation, the swelling was soft, reducible, painless and not accompanied by an acute abdomen. Ultrasonography, rectal and clinical examination were useful tools for the diagnosis of scrotal hernias in this case. A successful surgical herniorrhaphy was performed with the removal of the testicle at the affected side and the superficial inguinal ring was closed by application of a double-layer polypropylene mesh. The horse has made an unremitting recovery without recurrence or complications reported 18 months after surgery.




How to Cite

Marzok, M. A. ., Almubarak, A. I. ., Kandeel, M. ., & Badawy, A. A. . (2022). Acquired indirect unilateral chronic reducible scrotal hernia in an Arabian stallion. The Thai Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 52(3), 621–626. retrieved from



Clinical Reports