Severe parasitic gastroenteritis (PGE) in a goat: A veterinary case report and way forward


  • Faez Firdaus Abdullah Jesse
  • Asinamai Athliamai Bitrus
  • Eric Lim Teik Chung
  • Innocent Damudu Peter
  • Mohd Azmi Mohd Lila
  • Annas Salleh


case report, goat, malnutrition, PGE, veterinary, way forward


This veterinary case report highlights the failure of herd health programme and feeding management that led to
severe parasitic gastroenteritis (PGE) infection in a goat. The discussion of this case report is on the possible causes that
led to this negative condition and way forward towards related to this case. For avoiding similar cases in the future to
uplift the welfare of small ruminants. In this case report, a goat was presented with the history of severe diarrhea and
inappetence. Furthermore, that farm did not practice regular deworming and vaccination programmes. Physical and
clinical examination of the goat in this case report revealed emaciation, dullness, lethargy, pale mucuos membrane,
anaemia, hypoglobinemia, hypoglycaemia and high strongyle egg count. Therefore, the clinical diagnosis of severe
PGE concurrent with moderate pneumonia infection was made in this case. The therapeutic plans for this case were
administration of anthelminthic drugs, fluid therapy, glucose replacement but unfortunately the patient died on the
second day of hospitalization due to grave prognosis. Port mortem findings indicated the cause of the death of the
patient to be due to hypovolemic shock caused by circulatory failure due to anaemia and hypoalbuminemia due to
severe PGE infection and malnutrition. In conclusion, holistic application of herd health programmes (HHP) in small
ruminants’ farms are needed to avoid this type of cases.




How to Cite

Abdullah Jesse, F. F., Athliamai Bitrus, A., Lim Teik Chung, E., Damudu Peter, I., Mohd Lila, M. A., & Salleh, A. (2019). Severe parasitic gastroenteritis (PGE) in a goat: A veterinary case report and way forward. The Thai Journal of Veterinary Medicine, 49(3), 295–299. Retrieved from



Clinical Reports