Lifestyle Modification Effect on Behavior Change and Physical Conditions among Hypertensive Elderly in West Java, Indonesia


  • Neneng Kurwiyah Ihwanudin Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand
  • Anchaleeporn Amatayakul Boromarajonani College of Nursing Nopparat Vajira, Bangkok, Thailand
  • Sirikul Karuncharernpanit Boromarajonani College of Nursing Chakriraj, Ratchaburi, Thailand


Lifestyle modification program, Hypertensive elders, Behavior change, Physical conditions, Indonesia


Background: Lifestyle modification is one of the most essential methods in chronic diseases prevention, cure and control, as in elderly with hypertension. The developed intervention with theoretical framework as a guide could be used in the evaluation of the intervention. The intervention was based on the theory that was more effective in health related behaviors than compared to the intervention without theoretical framework. This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of the lifestyle modification program with Social Cognitive Theory as a guideline on behavior change and physical conditions among hypertensive elderly in the North Bekasi sub district, West Java, Indonesia.

Methods:  A quasi experiment with two groups, pre and post- test design was applied. Participants were selected from two Primary Health Centers (PHCs) in North Bekasi Sub District, using simple random sampling method. The participants were 29 hypertensive elderly in each group from two different primary health centers.  The instruments used consisted of 2 parts; the lifestyle modification program and a self-administered questionnaire including physical examination. Paired t-test and independent t-test were used for data analysis.

Results: There was a significant difference of knowledge, situational perception, blood pressure, and total cholesterol within intervention group (p<.001). The mean scores of knowledge, situational perception of the intervention group were significantly higher and blood pressure, and total cholesterol were decreased between the intervention group and comparison group (p<.001).

Conclusion:  The lifestyle modification program had a positive effect on improving hypertensive elders’ knowledge, situational perception, and on maintaining their blood pressure and total cholesterol.


How to Cite

Ihwanudin, N. K., Amatayakul, A., & Karuncharernpanit, S. (2017). Lifestyle Modification Effect on Behavior Change and Physical Conditions among Hypertensive Elderly in West Java, Indonesia. Journal of Health Research, 29(Suppl. 1), S83-S89. retrieved from

