Mental Health Status of a Community in Phayao Province: a Survey Report


  • Pimpimon Wongchaiya Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Phayao, Phayao, 56000
  • Donnapa Hongthong Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Phayao, Phayao, 56000
  • Wasana Kankom Boromarajonani College of Nursing, Phayao, Phayao, 56000


Mental health, Depression, Community capacity building, Thailand


Background: Mental health problem is a significant public health concern in Thailand. This study reports on the findings of a mental health status survey conducted in communities in Phayao province, Thailand. The survey was conducted to collect base line data for the Capacity Building in Health Promotion Project, which aims to achieve a healthier community.

Method: Four hundred community members were recruited using convenience sampling.  Mental health status was assessed using the General Health Questionnaire-12 (GHQ-12), Patient health questionnaire (PHQ-9), and the eight-question suicidal screening (8Q) was also administered when PHQ-9 scored positive.  Knowledge about depression was also assessed. Data were collected in March, 2015.

Results: Nearly sixty percent of respondents were females, 71.1% were married, 67.0% had primary school education, 41.3% were farmers.  62.8% of those interviewed did not have any illness, 30.0% had at least one illness and ongoing treatments. The average age was 54.98 years; 39.8 % were older than 60 years.   The majority of those interviewed were none smokers, whereas 58.3 % were none-alcohol drinkers. The survey revealed 8.0% of respondents had a positive score for the GHQ-12, 2.5% scored positive for the PHQ- 9, and 1.75% scored positive for the 8Q. These findings demonstrate that the prevalence of depression in this sample is similar to the rates found in the national survey. Older persons were particularly at risk for experiencing depression. It is noteworthy that a positive relationship was found between GHQ-12 and PHQ- 9(r=0.38, p<0.001).

Conclusion: Although the majority of responds had good overall awareness of depression, there was less knowledge regarding its causes.  Early detection of people affected by depression in the community should be enhanced in order to increase early intervention, and therefore decrease burden of care.


How to Cite

Wongchaiya, P., Hongthong, D., & Kankom, W. (2017). Mental Health Status of a Community in Phayao Province: a Survey Report. Journal of Health Research, 30(5), 371–376. retrieved from