Knowledge attitude and practice (KAP) of long-term care services for the elderly among trained caregivers in Sisaket province, Thailand
Long term care, Caregiver, Elderly, ThailandAbstract
Purpose - Currently the number of aging population is growing worldwide including Thailand. This study established to assess the association between knowledge, attitude, and practice toward long term care among caregivers in Sisaket province, Thailand.
Design/methodology/approach - A cross-sectional survey of 209 caregivers in Sisaket province was conducted using self-reported questionnaire. The questionnaire was developed based on a long term course training 70 hours from the Department of Health, Ministry of Public Health, Thailand (IOC=0.89). Pearson’s Chi square test and Fisher's Exact Test were performed to find significant associations among variables.
Findings - Among 209 caregivers (100%), majority of respondents had high level of knowledge in elderly care (90%). Respondents 80% had neutral attitude towards long term elderly care and 53.6% had the moderate practice level in long term care. In addition, the association between variables with the practice of long term care found that number of home bound, caregivers’ relationship with elderly and attitude level were significantly associated with practices of long term care for the elderly among caregivers (p-value <0.05)
Originality/value - It shows that the attitude is significantly associated with the practice of caregivers; therefore, refreshment training and re-training are necessary among caregivers to enhance and maintain positive attitude toward long term care service.
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