Assessment of knowledge, attitude and practice regarding malaria prevention toward internal migrant population in Kawthoung Township, Kawthoung district, Tanintharyi region, Myanmar: A cross sectional study


  • Sa Aung Hein College of Public Health Sciences, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
  • Naowarat Kanchanakhan College of Public Health Sciences, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand


Attitude knowledge and practice, Internal migrant, Malaria prevention, Myanmar


Purpose - This study aimed to assess and describe socio-demographic factors, knowledge, attitude and practice toward malaria prevention among internal migrants, Kawthoung Township, Kawthoung district, Myanmar.

Design/methodology/approach - A cross-sectional study with 316 respondents, age range from 18 to 65 years old, were interviewed face to face using structured questionnaires. Chi-square and logistic regression were used to analyze association between dependent and independent variables. 

Findings - Of all the respondents, 65.5% had good knowledge; 17.4% had good attitude; and 49.1% had good practice for malaria prevention. Practice level was strongly associated with knowledge level and attitude level (p-value <0.001). Factors associated with good practice were respondents with age group of 45 to 54 years (p-value = 0.004, AOR = 7.478, 95% CI: 1.930-28.978, high school or higher education (p = 0.021, AOR = 11.363, 95% CI: 1.454- 88.814) income more than 200000 Kyats per month (p-value <0.001, AOR = 14.242, 95% CI: 3.240-62.608), less than 3 family members  (p-value = 0.005, AOR = 4.670, 95% CI: 1.576- 13.834), accessibility to health facility with less than 30 minutes (p-value <0.001, AOR = 122.092, 95% CI: 20.339-732.915), source of information by government health staffs (p-value = 0.010, AOR = 8.293, 95% CI:1.669-41.211) and good attitude level (p-value = 0.017, AOR = 6.089, 95% CI:1.387-26.739).

Originality/value - Community mobilization activities through volunteer malaria workers and government health staff are necessary to improve knowledge, attitude and practice regarding malaria prevention practice.


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How to Cite

Hein, S. A., & Kanchanakhan, N. (2018). Assessment of knowledge, attitude and practice regarding malaria prevention toward internal migrant population in Kawthoung Township, Kawthoung district, Tanintharyi region, Myanmar: A cross sectional study. Journal of Health Research, 32(Suppl.2), S159-S166. retrieved from

