Caregivers’ malaria preventive practice for under-five children and its association in Ngapudaw high-risk Township, Ayeyarwady Region, Myanmar


  • Ei Phyu Htwe College of Public Health Sciences, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
  • Alessio Panza College of Public Health Sciences, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
  • Josep Vargas Senior Health Officer, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Geneva, Switzerland


Caregivers, Malaria preventive practices, Under-five children, Myanmar


Purpose - This study aimed to describe and find the associations of the characteristics and malaria preventive practices among caregivers of under-five children in Ngapudaw, high-risk Township, Ayeyarwady Region-Myanmar.

Design/methodology/approach - A community based cross-sectional study was conducted among 422 caregivers in April 2018. Data was collected using face-to-face interview with administered questionnaires. Chi-square and fisher exact’s tests for bivariate analysis and multiple logistic regression for multivariate analysis were conducted for data analysis.

Findings - Majority of the respondents had good malaria preventive practices for personal protective measures (70.6%), and treatment seeking practice (80.5%); but they had poor malaria preventive practices for environmental control measures (57.4%). In bivariate analysis, statistically significant associations (p-value<0.05) were found among economic status, number of household members, knowledge, perceived susceptibility, severity, barriers and personal protective measures. There were statistically significant associations among economic status, perceived self-efficacy, benefits, severity and treatment seeking practice (p-value<0.05). Finally, there were statistically significant associations among perceived severity, barriers and environmental control practices
(p-value<0.05). In multivariate models, statistically significant associations (p-value<0.05) were maintained among number of household members, perceived severity and personal protective measures; and among perceived severity, barriers, both environment control practices and treatment seeking practice.

Originality/value - Community based program for instance participatory rural appraisal (PRA) should be implemented in the area of poor environmental control practices in order to influence perceived severity on all malaria prevention practices.


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How to Cite

Htwe, E. P., Panza, A., & Vargas, J. (2018). Caregivers’ malaria preventive practice for under-five children and its association in Ngapudaw high-risk Township, Ayeyarwady Region, Myanmar. Journal of Health Research, 32(Suppl.1), S130-S141. retrieved from

