Characteristics and factors affecting contraceptive utilization in premarital sexual relationship among unmarried youths in rural Yangon, Myanmar


  • Hnin Ei Lwin College of Public Health Sciences, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand
  • Alessio Panza College of Public Health Sciences, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand


Contraceptive utilization, Unmarried youths, Premarital sexual relationship, Myanmar


Purpose - Several studies showed premarital sexual intercourse among youths appears all regions around the world. The objective of this study was to assess the characteristics and factors affecting actual and intended contraceptive utilization in premarital sexual relationship among unmarried youths in rural Yangon, Myanmar.

Design/methodology/approach - A quantitative cross sectional descriptive study was done with 270 unmarried youths with the age of 15-24 who are residing in a rural township of Yangon region. Data was collected by using combined interviewer-administered questionnaire and self-administered questionnaire between September and October 2017. In this study, modern contraceptive methods refer to oral contraceptive pills, injection, IUD, implant, emergency contraceptive pill, female condom, and male condom, and traditional methods refer to withdrawal and safe period.

Findings - The finding showed 44% of sexually active unmarried youths used at least one modern contraceptive method in their latest sexual intercourse. Always use at least one modern method was only 17.6%. Besides, 44.8% of unmarried youths intended to use only modern method while 8.1% intended to use both modern and traditional contraceptive methods in the future. The final model of multiple logistic regression revealed that there was no association between any independent variables including all socio-demographic characteristics and actual use of contraception in the latest sexual intercourse and always use in the life-time. Intended use of contraception in the future showed significant positive associations with age group of respondents (p-value<0.001), sex (female, p-value=0.044), having own income (p-value=0.013), level of attitude (p-value=0.034), level of belief (p-value=0.002), ever heard about contraception
(p-value=0.003), easy availability of contraception when needed (p-value<0.001), same gender service provider (p-value=0.003) and experience on sexual intercourse (p-value<0.001) in the final model of regression.

Originality/value - Low prevalence of contraceptive utilization and low level of knowledge about contraception especially for emergency contraceptive pill and IUD were found among unmarried rural youths. Delivering more information about contraceptive methods through comprehensive sexual and reproductive health education in middle and high schools, Facebook, mobile application and edutainment program in TV channels should be implemented. Furthermore, unbiased and respectful care should be provided to both married and unmarried youths who seek contraceptive service at the public or private or NGO clinic. Youth-friendly clinic should also be provided for youths who live in rural areas of Yangon region.


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How to Cite

Lwin, H. E., & Panza, A. (2018). Characteristics and factors affecting contraceptive utilization in premarital sexual relationship among unmarried youths in rural Yangon, Myanmar. Journal of Health Research, 32(Suppl.1), S9-S19. retrieved from

