The effect of sit-tostand and imagined sit-to-stand on the electroencephalograms features of healthy elderly

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Sompiya Somthavil
Kanokwan Srisupornkornkool
Siwarit Rassameejan
Onuma Boonyarom


Background : Sit-to-stand (STS) is a basic movement that is fundamental to everyday life. In older people who have less strength and limited balance, it is important to be able to stand both easily and safely. The activation of
the neuromuscular system to the target organs for better function is essential. Motor imagery (MI) is a procedure that can increase the activation of the nervous system. Because of the motor imagery, there is a movement
similar to the physical movement that occurs, but the imagery is not physically performing that movement. Central nervous system function during the performance of motor imagery can be studied using various methods, such as electroencephalography (EEG) measurements, a noninvasive technique. This study is the basis for developing a program for increasing the sit-to-stand ability of older people and those with impaired mobility.

Objective : To study imagined and physical sit-to-stand movements through the electroencephalograms of healthy elderly people.

Methods : Nineteen healthy participants aged between 60 and 69 years were involved in this study. The electroencephalography (EEG) signals were recorded in three conditions: prior to sit-to-stand, during sit-to-stand, and during imagined sit-to-stand.

Results : In terms of the frontal, temporal, parietal, and occipital lobes, the electroencephalography features showed a beta wave (14 – 17 Hz) prior sit-to-stand, during sit-to-stand, and while imagining sit-to-stand.
However, a significant difference (P <0.05) was found between the electroencephalography features of the parietal and occipital lobes between the prior to sit-to-stand and during sit-to-stand conditions and the imagining
sit-to-stand condition. A beta wave (14 – 17 Hz) was found prior to sit-tostand and during sit-to-stand at 89.5%, while a beta wave (14 – 17 Hz) was found at 52.6% during imagined sit-to-stand.

Conclusion : The electroencephalography features for the frontal, temporal, parietal, and occipital lobes, namely beta waves, were similar for both the physical sit-to-stand and the imagined sit-to-stand conditions. The brain function observed during imagined sit-to-stand had a function similar to that of physical movement, especially in the frontal and temporal lobes of healthy older adults.

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Modern Medicine