Premature ejaculation

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Kavirach Tantiwongse
Supang Srithong


Premature ejaculation is a condition in men that has numerous effects on women. It can be identified 20 - 30% in men of every age group. The definition is different in patient perspective. In medical aspect, it could be defined in term of time, controllability, and mental disturbance. Because this condition involves multiple organ systems but more on neurological system and erectile tissue of the penis. Most studies aimed to understand the mechanism of erection and ejaculation. After then treatments could be applied on every step of the ejaculation pathway:
the brain as a main sensory and motor control, the spinal cord and nerves as a signal transducer, and peripheral nerves at the penis as an input and output impulses. The medical treatments involve the control of sympathetic nervous system and decrease penile sensation. Surgical management mainly desensitized the dorsal nerve of the penis. The outcome of each technique varies in the success rate and all need long term follow up.

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Review article