Relationships between Family Functioning, Emotional Quotient, Social Support, and Resilience of Children and Youths in the Juvenile Observation and Protection Center in the Northern Region Thailand.


  • วิลาวัณย์ สายสุวรรณ วิทยาลัยพยาบาลบรมราชชนนี พุทธชินราช


resilience, children and youths in a juvenile observation and protection center, family functioning, emotional quotient


This descriptive correlational research aimed to investigate relationships  between family functioning, emotional quotient, social support, and resilience of children and youths in the Juvenile Observation and Protection Center in the Northern Region Thailand. The sample research was 100 children and youths who live in the Juvenile Observation and Protection Center in the Northern Region Thailand. They were selected by a simple random sampling technique. The research instruments including demographic questionnaires, Chulalongkorn Family Inventory (CFI), Emotional quotient, The personal Resource Questionnaire: PRQ Part II), and Resilience Inventory were used for data collection. Cronbach's alpha coefficient and the reliability of the research tools were .74, .73, .72, and .84, respectively. Self-report by the study participants was used for data collections. Data were analysed by using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and Pearson correlation coefficient.

                The findings revealed that family functioning, emotional quotient, and social support were positively and significantly related to resilience among children and youths in the Juvenile Observation and Protection Center in the Northern Region Thailand (r = .619, p < .01, r = .452, p < .01, and r = .626, p < .01 respectively). Results from this study could be applied to promote emotional intelligence in children and youths in the Juvenile Observation and Protection Center. Also, activities to promote family problem management and enhance good family relationships could be used to promote the effective family functions. Moreover, these would help children and youth have more strength in their life and able to get through the crisis and effectively solve problems that arise in their life.


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How to Cite

สายสุวรรณ ว. (2022). Relationships between Family Functioning, Emotional Quotient, Social Support, and Resilience of Children and Youths in the Juvenile Observation and Protection Center in the Northern Region Thailand. NU Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences, 16(1), 1–12. Retrieved from