The Effectiveness of Health Education and SKT 3 Mediation for Healing Practice on Low Back Pain Degree and Enhancing Activities Ability of Older Adults with Chronic Low Back Pain
Samadhi SKT 3rd Technique, Back Pain Relieve, Activity Ability, Older Adults, Chronic Low Back PainAbstract
The objective of this research was to examine the effect of a health education and SKT 3 healing meditation on low back pain relieve and enhancing activity ability of older adults with chronic low back pain. A two groups quasi-experimental design comprised a pre-test and post-test with the control group. The sample comprised 40 patients with chronic low back pain elderly adults of Ban Khoahong, Nakhonsawan who met the criteria of selection and volunteered to participate in the experiment. During treatment program in 6 weeks. The following research instruments were used 1) Education and training in health care of older adults with chronic low back pain program, 2) SKT 3 healing meditation record form, 3) Numerical Rating Scale (NRS), and 4) The Oswestry low back pain disability questionnaire (version 1.0) in Thai Version. Data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics and t-test. The results indicated that the experimental group’s pre-test and post-test scores showed a statistically significant improvement for both activity ability in daily life and back pain relieve (p < .01). Compared to the control group, after participate the program procedure test scores of the experimental group were higher than the control group’s, and their low back pain score were lower including the activity ability test scores were higher than the control group’s (p < .01). This showed that mind-body medicine by using the educated activity ability in daily life with SKT 3 healing meditation could decrease pain for older adults with chronic low back pain
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