Discharge Planning among Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease patients with acute exacerbation symptoms experience frequent hospital admissions


  • Sangduan Apiratanawong Faculty of Nursing, Naresuan University


Discharge Planning, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Acute Exacerbation


 Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease patients with acute exacerbation symptoms have experience
frequent hospital admissions. Numerous hospital admissions have been demonstrated to have physical,
psychological, emotional, financial, and social impact inthese patientsand their caregivers. After critical
condition improved then led to discharge planning process, patients and caregivers often feel stress, anxious,
and less confident in providing self- care. The discharge planning is very important process to make patient and
caregiver's confident for caring at home. Nurse plays a significantly important roleon discharge planning
process including health education, giving information, practice demonstration, health team coordination,
and referral for continuous care. The discharge planning process on based on the same principles as the
nursing process which cover 4 dimensions, including health promotion, prevention, treatment, rehabilitation
and then apply it in conjunction with patient discharge planning. The discharge planning used in this study is
based on the D-METHOD model, consisting of the data collection on mental and physical needs, the patient
wholistic care plan, tailored nursing care activities as well as the outcome measures designed to evaluate the
effectiveness of the care plan both in organizational and individual level. The ultimate goals of the discharge
planning are to increase patients' and their caregivers' capability of self-management, prevent hospital
readmission, and enhance the quality of life.


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How to Cite

Apiratanawong, S. (2021). Discharge Planning among Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease patients with acute exacerbation symptoms experience frequent hospital admissions. NU Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences, 15(3), 1–12. retrieved from https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/NurseNu/article/view/252028