Predictive Factors for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder among Primary School Students according to Parent's Perception


  • Peeranuch Punpukdee คณะพยาบาลศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยนเรศวร
  • Worawan Tipwareerom
  • Somsak Thojampa


Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder risk, elementary school student, predictive factor


The purposes of this descriptive research were to determine the predictive ability of children's factors including sex, being punished by teachers, the teacher called to meet the parent, repeating classes, taking breaks from school, change school and living. Family factors include love and care, parenting, health care, and family income allocation. Environmental factors consist of the duration of use of technology media and behavior of technology media addiction in predicting the risk of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in primary school students, as seen by parents. This survey enrolled 358 parents of children in the first grades 1-3 at schools under Phitsanulok primary educational service area office 1 in Muang district by multistage random sampling. The questionnaire consisted of six sections: 1) Parent information, 2) Children information, 3) Child factor questionnaire, 4) Family factor questionnaire, 5) Environmental factors questionnaire, and 6) SNAP IV behavioral assessment questionnaire (Thai version). Passed quality checks for content validity and validity according to benchmarks. Data were analyzed using frequency statistics, percentage, mean, Standard deviation, Pearson's correlation, Chi-square test and Binary logistic regression analysis The findings were as follows; The risk of ADHD among primary school students was 39.4%, with 34.7 % was the child with hyperactivity. Factors related to the risk of ADHD in primary school students were followed by the teacher called to meet the parent, repeat class, technology media addiction behavior (r =.361) and family income allocation (r = -.189) which was able to predict the risk of ADHD by 35.1% and the predictive efficiency was 72.1% with a statistical significance at the .05 level, write the logistic regression equation (y) = -.899 +4.052(The teacher called to meet the parent) +3.436(Repeat class) -.072 (Family income allocation) +.113(Technology media addiction behavior). This finding can develop a guideline for the prevention of ADHD in elementary school students.


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How to Cite

Punpukdee, P., Tipwareerom, W., & Thojampa, S. (2021). Predictive Factors for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder among Primary School Students according to Parent’s Perception. NU Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences, 15(3), 38–51. retrieved from