Unit Cost and Perceptions of Nursing Competency Development in a Private Hospital
Nursing Competency, Personnel Development, Unit CostAbstract
The objectives of this descriptive research were to determine the unit cost of professional development for nurses and to examine perceptions of nursing competency development in a private hospital. Data were collected from two sources through 341 professional nurses: 1. primary data using a questionnaire consisting of general data, perceptions of nursing competency after development and cost of personal development, and 2. secondary data from cost of external training records and cost of internal training records during three fiscal years from 2017 to 2019. Content validity was tested by 5 experts and the CVI was 0.96 and the Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of the questionnaire was .98. The data were analyzed with descriptive statistics using the parameters of the mean (μ) and standard deviation (σ) of the population.
The study found that the unit cost of professional development for nurses was 22,628 Baht per capita with the highest expense in opportunity cost at 2,381,641Baht. Nurses spent 3,678 Baht per capita as the cost of personal development and the highest expense was 195,000 Baht for opportunity cost. Regarding professional nurses’ perceptions of nursing competency after development, the overall perception of five aspects was at a high level with the highest mean for ethics 4.38 (μ = 4.38, σ = .56) and the lowest mean for accumulated professional expertise 3.67 (μ = 3.67, σ = .61).
The results of the study indicate that nursing administrators should participate in human resources development to manage costs for highest efficiency, especially the opportunity cost shown by the empirical data that it is the highest cost and the hospital has never used the data in professional development for nurses. As regards nursing competency, development of accumulated professional expertise is needed, especially in continuous quality improvement (CQI) and routine to research (R2R). For innovation for nursing competency development, nursing administrators should utilize the study results in personnel development planning to make the organization grow and achieve competitive advantage over other private hospitals.
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