The Mental Health Status Among Pregnant Women


  • Sasitorn Khumphan
  • Soontareeporn Meepring
  • Inghathai Damchuti


pregnant women, mental health status


The purposes of this research were to study about the mental health status amongpregnant women. The participants of this study were 233 pregnant women, attendingantenatal care department at Trang hospital, who were selected by purposive sampling. To collect the data, the questionnaire that consisted of 2 parts including, demographic questionnaireand the mental health status were used to measure. The reliability of the questionnaire towards the mental health status was 0.81, tested by the Conbach's Alpha coefficient. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, Percentage, Means, Standard Deviations. Results revealed that percent of pregnant women who had a mild level of stress in the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd trimester were 79.5%, 85.9%, and 81.8% respectively. Implication for further research are. In addition, the findings of this research can be used as planning information for personnel in the antenatal care department to continuously promote or to assess stress level of mental health for pregnant women, that resulting for sustained for good mental health

Author Biography

Soontareeporn Meepring

PhD in Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing

M.Sc Health and Social Care (Merit)  (Psychiatric Nursing)


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How to Cite

Khumphan, S., Meepring, S., & Damchuti, I. . (2020). The Mental Health Status Among Pregnant Women. NU Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences, 14(1), 135–144. retrieved from