Predicting Factors of Adaptation Behaviors among Persons with Physical Disability in NakhonSawan Province


  • Thirapong Khiewkasem
  • Nongnut Oba
  • Anchalee Thongsen


adaptation behavior, disability, physical activity, roy adaptation theory


This predictive correlational research aimed to study on predicting factors of adaptation behaviors among persons with physical disability in Nakhon Sawan Province. Co- predicting factors including age, sex, activities of daily living, stage of stress, health status, family support, social support, physical rehabilitation and public welfare.  All of 200 persons with physical disability (at 3-5 level) were selected from Nakhon Sawan Province by cluster and single random sampling. The research instruments included adaptation behaviors and predicting factors of adaptation behaviors questionnaires. The content validity of research questionnaires were approved by 5 experts and were reliability test. The data were analyzed by frequency, percent, mean, standard deviation, Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation, Spearman Rho and Stepwise Multiple Regression.

                The results were found that adaptation behaviors among persons with physical disability in Nakhon Sawan Province was moderate level (x̄= 2.17, S.D.= 0.37) and its predicting factors by holding statistical significance levels of 0.01 were health status, activities of daily living, family support, public welfare and social support. The predictive power of these predictors was 64.4 %.     (R2 = 0.644)          


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How to Cite

Khiewkasem, T. ., Oba, N. ., & Thongsen, A. . (2019). Predicting Factors of Adaptation Behaviors among Persons with Physical Disability in NakhonSawan Province. NU Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences, 13(2), 11–23. retrieved from