Actions in Compliance with the Non-smoker’s Health Protection Act B. E. 2535 among the Head Leaders of Government’s Premises in Phitsanulok Province
Preventive behaviors for Second hand smoke exposure, Second hand smoke, Active smokerAbstract
This predictive correlation research aimed to assess the level of preventive behaviors of smoker towards protecting family member from exposure Second hand smoke and to indentify factors predicting of smoker’s Second hand smoke exposure at home in Bangrakao district, Phitsanulok Province. Sample size determination was apply by estimating a population mean, obtained 270 active smokers with multi-stage sampling. 211 questionnaires were return with a response rate of 78.15%. The instrument used was a 58-item questionnaire which was developed by applying the PRECEDE model. Data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics and stepwise multiple regression analysis. The results shows that the majority of samples were male (72.7%), completed primary school (56.9%) and have been practicing smoker’s preventive behaviors for Second hand smoke exposure of smokers at a high rate (Mean = 25.52, S.D. = 6.03). In addition, stepwise multiple regression analysis indicates that enabling factors (environment, family commitment and tobacco accessibility) (B = 0.69), perceived severity of disease occurred from second hand smoking (B = 0.45) and reinforcing factors (supporting from family, peer and healthcare personnel) (B = 0.21) accounted for 38% of preventive behaviors for Second hand smoke exposure of smokers with the significance level of p-value < 0.05. The recommendations from this study are to inform healthcare personnel in enhancing healthy environment in relation to protecting of family member from Second hand smoke such as smoke-free home interventions, establishing family commitment, controlling access to tobacco product, increase perceived severity of disease occurred from second hand smoking and reinforcement by family, peers and healthcare personnel. Theses activities will lead to improve preventive behaviors for Second hand smoke exposure of smokers.
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