The Causal Relationship Model of Job Retention for Nurses in Government Hospitals


  • Ghunyanutt Sathagathonthun
  • Anucha Kornpuang


Job Retention, Nurses, Government Hospitals


This study was descriptivestudy and consisted of three phases. The first was to develop a causal relationship of job retention of nurses in the government hospitals. The sample consisted of three nurse chief executives and two scholar nurses. Research instrument was the structured interview. The content analysis was used to analyze the data from the interview. The second phase was to test how well the causal model of job retention of 600 nurses in the government hospitals with the evidence (sample data). Research instrument was questionnaire of causal relationship of job retention of nurses. The tool was Likert scale. The structural equation models(SEM) using Mplus was utilized to examine the causal relationship. The last phase was to propose the utilization of the casual model. The sample consisted of three nurse chief executives. Research instrument was structured interview. The content nalysis was used to analyze the data. The findings revealed that the hypothesis causal model of job retention of nurses in the government hospitals comprised of Job Responsibility Factors, Administrator’s Behavior Factors,Human Resource Management, Organizational Factors, Personal Factors, and Co-workers’ RelationshipFactors. The SEM analysis showed that the causal model of job retention of nurses in the government hospitals fit the data well.The whole model accounts for 42.10% of the explained variance for the latent variable, job retention of nurses . Personal factors, job responsibility, and co-workers’ relationship directly influenced job retention of nurses (β = 0.60, 0.46, and -0.35, respectively). Also, organizational factors directly influenced job responsibility and administrator’s behaviors (β = 0.92 and 0.84). Administrator’s behaviors directly influenced human resource managementand co-workers’ relationship (β = 0.93 and 0.72). Human resource management directly influenced personal factors (β = 1.90). Organizational factorsindirectly influenced co-workers’ relationship through administrator’s behaviors (β =0.62). Additionally, organizational factors indirectly influenced human resource management through administrator’s behaviors (β = 0.81). According to the experts’ interview, the recommendations for utilization the casual model revealed that the hospital’s administrators and nursing administrators are recommended to pay attend to administrator’s behaviors which was significantly directly influenced human resource managementand co-workers’ relationship. In terms of human resource management which directly influenced nurses and organizational factors which directly influenced job responsibility, the administrators are recommended to have crucial roles in order to establish policy and administrator structure in order to create value work, sustainable work, and organization environment. Moreover, the administrators should arrange human resource management particularly nursing professional development to preserve nursing professionals as well as monitor and support in order to enhance nurses to have a balance in their lives and satisfy in their work, engage in organization, and retain in their job which leads job retention.


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How to Cite

Sathagathonthun, G., & Kornpuang, A. (2018). The Causal Relationship Model of Job Retention for Nurses in Government Hospitals. NU Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences, 12(1S), 58–74. retrieved from