Relationship between Professional Self-Concept of Nurses with Knowledge, Attitude, and Skill on Nurse’s Note as Perceived by Professional Nurses, Lomsak Hospital


  • Pimpan Udomsuk
  • Laddawan Daengthoen


Self-concept of nurses, Nurse’ note


The purpose of this descriptive research was to study the relationship between professional selfconcept of professional nurses, knowledge, attitudes, and skills on nurse’s note as perceived by professional nurses, Lomsak Hospital. The population was 66 registered nurses providing services to the patient at inpatient department and doing nursing document. The data collection instruments consisted of questionnaires of demographic information, questionnaires of knowledge, skills, and attitudes concerning the nurse’s note and questionnaires of self-concept of nursing of the professional nurses in Lomsak Hospital, which were tested for validity and reliability. The questionnaires of knowledge were tested for reliability with a Kuder-Richardson of 0.74, and the questionnaires of attitudes and skills concerning the nurse’s note and questionnaires of self-concept of nursing were tested by the Cronbach’s Alpha reliability coefficients which were 0.95, 0.94 and 0.93 respectively. Research data were analyzed by a computer program to find out percentage, mean, standard deviation and Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient. The findings were as follows: 1. The self -concept nursing of the professional nurses was at the high level ( = 3.81, SD. =.40), the scores of knowledge of nurse’s note was at the highest level ( = 17.13, SD. =.94), and the attitudes toward nurse’s note and skills on nurse’s note were at the high level ( = 4.17, SD. = .53 and = 4.02, SD. = .56 respectively). 2. There was a statistically significant relationship on the medium level between the nursing self-concept and the attitudes and skills on nurse’s note as perceived by professional nurses at p <.01 (r = .682, r = .571 respectively). Keywords : Self-concept of nurses, Nurse’ note


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How to Cite

Udomsuk, P., & Daengthoen, L. (2018). Relationship between Professional Self-Concept of Nurses with Knowledge, Attitude, and Skill on Nurse’s Note as Perceived by Professional Nurses, Lomsak Hospital. NU Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences, 11(3), 18–25. Retrieved from