Traditional Use of Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa Korth) among Folk Healers in Southern Thailand

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Thanat Nakaphan
Monthaka Teerachaisakul
Siriporn Puttum
Kwanroen Sompimai
Preecha Nootim


Rationale and objective: In Thailand, kratom (Mitragyna speciosa Korth) has been traditionally used as medicine by folk healers. To confirm whether the use is in accordance with Thai traditional medical knowledge or not, this study aimed to (1) review traditional medicine formulas of kratom from traditional Thai medical scriptures and (2) explore the therapeutic use of kratom among folk healers in southern Thailand.

Methodology: This study was a mixed method research composed of: (1) documentary research based on six traditional Thai medical scriptures and (2) qualitative research done among folk healers by means of in-depth interview and focus group discussion. The key informants were 39 folk healers in southern Thailand who had had experiences in using kratom as medicine.

Results: There were eight traditional medicine formulas containing kratom in traditional Thai medical scriptures: (1) ya prasa kratom, (2) ya klom arom sut 1, (3) ya klom arom sut 2, (4) ya hanuman chong thanon pit mahasamut, (5) ya kae bit long pen lueat, (6) ya kae bit hua luk, (7) ya thamhai ot fin, and (8) ya prasa kan daeng.

This study found that among the 39 folk healers, 108 items of kratom herbal drugs were used, of which 65 (60.19%) were single kratommedicinal preparations and 43 (39.81%) were compound formulas. Kratom leaves were the part mostly used as medicine (93.52%). The traditional kratom preparation mostly used was decoction (45.57%). The result also showed that kratom was prescribed for relieving pain (26.85%). Pure kratom leaves were mostly prescribed for treating diarrhea (31.58%) while kratom leaves with medicinal solvent were mostly prescribed for relieving cough (40.34%). Moreover, this study found that kratom in compound formulas was mostly prescribed for reducing blood sugar (27.91%) and relieving pain (23.26%).

Discussion and conclusion: More traditional formulas containing kratom have been revealed in this study, which confirms that kratom has been used by folk healers for medicinal purposes in both single preparation and compound formula, which are not written in traditional Thai medical scriptures. All folk healers use kratom according to the indigenous knowledge that has been descended from their ancestors.

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