Journal of The Royal Thai Army Nurses 2024-04-11T13:52:43+07:00 Associate Professor Lieutenant General Dr. Saisamorn Chaleoykitti | รองศาสตราจารย์ พลตรีหญิง ดร. สายสมร เฉลยกิตติ Open Journal Systems <p>Journal of The Royal Thai Army Nurses is an academic and research journal related to nursing, healthcare, and health promotion. The journal publishes academic articles, research papers, special articles, and reviews. Each issue may have diverse content, and it is published three times a year: January-April, May-August, and September-December.</p> <p><span style="font-size: 110%;"><strong>ISSN 2985-1041 (Online)</strong></span></p> Raising the Level of Nursing Laboratory According to Safety Standards of Laboratory in Thailand, the SIRCOP Center, Faculty of Nursing Science and Allied Health, Phetchaburi Rajabhat University 2023-07-29T11:56:41+07:00 Sirirat Pochepan Sichon Tongma Werayuth Srithumsuk <p>Safety is important for those who use the services of nursing laboratories. Sometimes the person in charge of the laboratory does not identify the safety issues within the laboratory totally. Therefore, the adoption of safety standards, especially the Enhancement of Safety Practice of Research Laboratory in Thailand or ESPReL, is used as a guideline for development, prevention, and safety precautions are important. The SIRCOP center is responsible for maintaining the laboratories as a teaching and learning resource, for study visits by teachers, students, and visitors. Therefore, safety standards are one of the cornerstones of SIRCOP activities. Before improving the safety of the laboratories according to the ESPReL checklist, we found a huge of hazards. Therefore, a plan to address the hazards has been prepared to increase the safety level of the laboratory. From the results of all 3 laboratories, the scores increased in all components. The components that received 100 percent scores for all 3 laboratories were component 6 which was the basic knowledge of laboratory safety. The second highest scoring component was component 4 which was the physical characteristics of the laboratory equipment and tools received a score of 97.6 percent equally in all 3 laboratories. The component that received the lowest score was component 5 which was hazard prevention and remedial system a score between 69.2-70 percent. The key success factors are getting support from executives at all levels, creating an understanding of safety standards with relevant people, having a clear work structure, and continuous development.</p> 2024-04-10T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of The Royal Thai Army Nurses Learning Management Strategies to Promote Digital Health Literacy Among Pregnant Women 2023-10-07T12:30:05+07:00 Aunchalee Jittrapirom Ungsinun Intarakumhang Saran Pimthong <p>Pregnant women need sufficient health knowledge to practice and reduce risks, enhance their pregnancy care competence, and achieve good health outcomes. Specific health information and healthcare skills are crucial factors that determine good health behavior. Health professionals must explore digital media-based learning strategies to improve health knowledge in pregnant women, making it more contemporary and effective. The author presents a strategy for promoting digital health literacy in pregnant women, incorporating three approaches 1) Self-Regulated Learning Strategies: Encouraging pregnant women to take control of their own learning process. 2) Five Skill Improve Health Literacy: Fostering five key skills to enhance health literacy in pregnancy. This includes organizing learning activities using Bloom’s taxonomy of learning domains. 3)Empowerment: Utilizing empowerment principles rooted in social cognitive learning theory to develop digital health literacy skills in pregnant women. These strategies draw from the foundations of social cognitive learning theory and can be applied to future efforts to improve digital health literacy skills in pregnant women.</p> 2024-04-10T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of The Royal Thai Army Nurses Nurse’s Role in Caring for Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome 2023-08-25T13:34:19+07:00 Suthat Supanam <p>Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) refers to a life-threatening concern caused by anomalies in the blood vessels that supply the heart muscle. This leads to narrowing, blockage, or rupture, resulting in insufficient blood flow to the heart muscle and eventually ACS and myocardial infarction. Acute coronary syndrome is the most occurs in males more than females who are 20 years old and above and have co-morbidity including inappropriate healthcare behaviors that cause acute coronary syndrome. Therefore, nurses play a significant role in caring for patients with acute coronary syndrome starting from crisis until the rehabilitation period. The role of nurses was identified in changing patient behavior after having acute coronary syndrome and supporting the patient’s family participation in patient care for patients to change their self-management behaviors after acute coronary syndrome to be correct, help them to achieve a better quality of life, and suitable to reduce the risk of recurrence and re-hospitalization.</p> 2024-04-10T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of The Royal Thai Army Nurses The Implementation Mechanism to Reduce HIV-Related Stigma and Discrimination in Thailand (Crisis Response System: CRS) 2023-10-21T09:07:09+07:00 Darinda Rosa Patcharaporn Pavaputanon Siriporn Monyarit <p>Thailand has expressed its determination to end the AIDS problem (Ending AIDS) by 2030 with the goal of reducing discrimination due to HIV and gender. It has set a clear goal of eliminating social barriers. and laws to reduce access to services by no more than 10 percent.<br />The Crisis Response System (CRS) developing a system for receiving complaints and protecting rights violations regarding AIDS, gender, and being a population vulnerable to discrimination (Crisis Response System: CRS) or a program CRS is a channel for receiving complaints about AIDS rights violations through an online web application.<br />The Crisis Response System (CRS) uses technology to provide services that are easily accessible and allow people to report incidents themselves. and will receive systematic, timely and efficient assistance Mechanisms driving action to reduce HIV-related stigma and discrimination in Thailand There is development of the potential of multidisciplinary teams at every level, every organization, and covering every province (Crisis Response System) to protect and protect human rights. gender equality and key vulnerable populations which has activities linked in 5 steps related to various agencies in the country, starting from receiving complaints and managing complaints in Real-Time.<br />Currently, there is the development of the potential of the network to handle complaints and work proactively. What drives assistance is Community Led Service, which has specific expertise in reaching the population.</p> 2024-04-10T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of The Royal Thai Army Nurses Care and Prevention of Malnutrition in Pediatric Patients with Congenital Heart Disease of The Green Type. Newborns to 6 Years Old Before Undergoing Surgery to Correct Heart Abnormalities 2024-01-27T14:06:16+07:00 Eakkarat Koonwiang Suchada Nuntapoonsub Wichit Khamphul <p>Cardiovascular disease in children is very important to their survival. Especially the group that has symptoms of cyanosis. The disorder results in hypoxia. From a study of statistics around the world, approximately 8 cases were found. per 1,000 live births from statistics in pediatric heart disease clinics Siriraj Hospital, in 2023, a total of 2,144 children were admitted for treatment and were diagnosed with malnutrition. 192 cases. This condition causes children to grow slowly and get tired easily because venous blood is mixed in the red blood that goes to the body. Normally, venous blood does not mix with red blood. As a result, the oxygen level is lower than normal. This group of children needs surgery. This method can be done from infancy. Some people have to wait for their cardiovascular characteristics, age, and body weight to be appropriate in order to have surgery to correct all abnormalities. While waiting for surgery at home, caregivers play a very important role in raising children to have a healthy body. Close to normal children as much as possible, reducing complications especially malnutrition.<br />This article aims to care for and prevent malnutrition in pediatric patients with congenital heart disease. Congenital cyanosis from birth to age 6 years before undergoing surgery to correct heart abnormalities. Aim for caregivers have knowledge and understanding Have the skills to properly care for children while waiting for surgery at home Moderators can manage nutrition appropriately To prevent complications and severe symptoms of the disease The aim is for these children. Have a body ready to undergo surgery to correct heart abnormalities and be in line with the doctor’s treatment plan.</p> 2024-04-10T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of The Royal Thai Army Nurses Aspirated Pneumonitis: an Avoidable Event in ICU 2023-12-24T14:08:54+07:00 Varathip Thongdech Suvimon Tangtanasirikul Phongthara Vichitvejpaisal <p>Pneumonia is an inflammation of the lungs, bronchioles (terminal and respiratory bronchioles), the alveoli and surrounding tissue. (interstitium). It may occur in part of tissue in the lung, or it may spread throughout the lung tissue. Found often people aged 65 years and over, and people with low immunity. In 2022, about 191,814 cases of pneumonia were found. The elderly patients who are unable to self dependent. There is a higher chance of complications from pneumonia than other groups., the muscles do not have enough strength to cough.<br />An Aspirate was impaired swallowing. Often in risk aspiration pneumonia by 11.9 times. Especially in the elderly or people with neurological problems. Aspiration pneumonia in the elderly patients with neurological deficit in a swallowing after anesthesia. Known case from the history of care and symptoms detected. Physical examination, Chest X-ray. The treatment will include both antibiotics. Close up monitoring that may be so severe that an infection in the bloodstream infections and the respiratory failure.</p> 2024-04-10T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of The Royal Thai Army Nurses Electronic cigarette advertisements: Are they trustable? 2024-02-22T21:54:11+07:00 Kanyaphat Setchoduk Patra Phuekphan <p style="font-weight: 400;">The prevalence of e-cigarette use or vaping among youths has constantly increased worldwide which has been proven to be associated with massive marketing and advertising campaigns from the tobacco industry. This article aimed to present key facts that the public should be aware of e-cigarette use and the marketing tactics which have been used to advertise e-cigarettes by the tobacco industry. The tobacco industry has quickly and continuously innovated and developed e-cigarette devices and related products to produce highly addictive and world widely utilizable tobacco products to facilitate and motivate vapers’ use. The tobacco industry has used different communication channels to attract the attention of youths such as social media, print, TV, and radio to deliver messages about its products by using a variety of advertising tactics such as the myriad of flavors that specifically appeal to youths, the appearance of vibrant colors of the e-cigarette devices, a portrayal of e-cigarette used by social media influencers or celebrities, etc. The tobacco industry has continuously conveyed significant misrepresentation of information to the public to attract and persuade youths to try and use e-cigarettes and related products in both direct and indirect ways without concern of its substantial effects on health, contrasting with the facts, e-cigarette use has confirmed from numerous studies regarding the potential for various short- and long-term health effects as well as nicotine addiction. Therefore, healthcare providers and policymakers should seriously control the marketing and advertising of distorting information about e-cigarettes and related products by the tobacco industry.</p> 2024-04-10T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of The Royal Thai Army Nurses The Cardiovascular Diseases Risk among the Akha Ethnic Group in Mae Suai District, Chiang Rai Province 2023-11-26T15:06:18+07:00 Chittraphorn Suthipong Vipada Srimantayamas Pimrat Boonyapuk <p>Cardiovascular diseases present a significant health challenge within the Akha ethnic community. This prospective observational study seeks to evaluate the risk factors for cardiovascular diseases over the next ten years among the Akha population in the Mae Suai district, Chiang Rai province. Employing a simple random sampling method, 128 individuals were included in the study. The research utilized various tools, including personal data records, assessments of disease risk factors, Stress Test 5 (ST5) evaluations, and the Thai CV risk score application from Ramathibodi Hospital’s Faculty of Medicine.The statistical analysis encompassed both descriptive and inferential methods, investigating the relationships between disease occurrence and various risk factors.<br />Findings indicated that 77.30% of the Akha ethnic group faced the risk of cardiovascular diseases over the next ten years, with 15.60% in the moderate risk category and 7.00% at high risk. Notably, individuals with hypertension exhibited a 3.48 times higher risk of developing cardiovascular diseases compared to other the risk of cardiovascular diseases over the next ten years.<br />To proactively address the risk of cardiovascular diseases over the next ten years, health promotion initiatives should concentrate on heightening awareness about blood pressure control, proper nutrition, stress reduction, regular exercise, and smoking cessation among individuals in the Akha ethnic group. These targeted efforts aim to empower the community with knowledge and preventive strategies, fostering a healthier cardiovascular profile for the Akha population in the years to come.</p> 2024-04-10T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of The Royal Thai Army Nurses The Effectiveness of Health Literacy Development Program for Weight Control among People Living with HIV 2023-09-10T09:59:59+07:00 Punjamarpon Satjeenphong Lamitr Pukkhaow Sutteeporn Moolsart Worrawan Kantapokai <p>This quasi-experimental research was a two-group pretest-posttest design.The purposes of the research were to study the effects of a health literacy development program on weight control on health literacy and weight control behaviors of people living people with HIV(PLHIV).The samples were PLHIVs receive services at the HIV clinic of Pathum Thani Hospital. The sample was selected by purposive sampling and put into an experimental group and a comparative group with 30 persons each. The program was based on the concept of health literacy development for PLHIV contributed by the National Association of People with HIV in Australia. The 12-week program activities. Research instruments were 1) a health literacy development program of weight control. 2) a handbook of health literacy on weight control for people living with HIVs. 3) questionnaires on health literacy and weight control behaviors. The content validity indexes were .95 and 1.00, respectively. Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of the weight control behaviors questionnaire were .87 and .94, respectively. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and a t-test.<br />The result revealed as follows: after enrolling in the program, the health literacy and weight control behaviors of the experimental group was better than before enrolling in the program and better than the comparative group to a statistically significant degree at p-value &lt; .05. The body mass index was lower than before enrolling in the program and lower than the comparative group by a statistically significant degree at p-value &lt; .05.</p> 2024-04-10T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of The Royal Thai Army Nurses Effect of Nurse Practitioner (NP) Intervention Program for elderly patients: Transitional Care from Hospital to Home 2023-12-24T13:45:02+07:00 Aree Wonganu Pinyo Utthiya <p>The quasi-experimental research aims to study the effects of a home healthcare program on the care of older adults patients transitioning from hospital to home, specifically regarding readmission within 28 days, satisfaction, and self-management at home. The sample group consists of 50 older adults patients, and research tools include data records, daily activity assessments, and a follow-up program for patients readmitted within 28 days. The study yielded index values of 1.00 for content validity, 0.94 for satisfaction assessment, and 0.74 for self-management evaluation. Statistical analysis involved descriptive statistics and the Wilcoxon signed-rank test.<br />Results indicated that the majority of the sample group, mostly females with cancer, had an average of 4 chronic illnesses and used an average of 16 types of medication. After the program, 7 patients were readmitted within 28 days, primarily due to the same illnesses. High levels of satisfaction were reported in all assessment categories, and significant improvements in self-management at home were observed post-program (P&lt;.05). The program demonstrated positive outcomes for older adults patients/families/caregivers and should be considered for other patient groups during the hospital-to-home transition period.</p> 2024-04-10T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of The Royal Thai Army Nurses Level of Happiness and Factors Associated with Happiness among 21st Century Undergraduate Students, Chaiyaphum Rajabhat University 2023-07-29T12:51:25+07:00 Kamonrut Tongsawang Suptawee Hirungerd Yupahdi Sanguanphong Atithan Chairuang <p>This research aimed to investigate the happiness levels, the factors related to happiness, and personal factors associated with the happiness of undergraduate students at Chaiyaphum Rajabhat University in the 21st century. The study sampled 386 undergraduate students from the regular undergraduate programs at Chaiyaphum Rajabhat University in the 2020 academic year, encompassing students from years one to four. The participants were selected through random sampling.<br />The research utilized two questionnaires: a personal information questionnaire and the Thai Mental Health Indicator-55 (TMHI-55) questionnaire developed by the Department of Mental Health. The TMHI-55 questionnaire consists of 55 items and employs a 4-point Likert scale. Data analysis was performed using various statistical methods, including percentages, means, standard deviations, t-tests, one-way ANOVA, and Pearson correlation coefficients.<br />The research findings indicated that 84.2% of the students reported lower levels of happiness compared to the general population. Furthermore, there were significant differences in happiness levels among students based on their academic year, faculty of study, and average monthly family income. The analysis also revealed a statistically significant negative correlation between academic year and happiness (r = -0.143, p&lt;.01).<br />In summary, this study aimed to explore the happiness levels and factors associated with the happiness of undergraduate students at Chaiyaphum Rajabhat University in the 21st century. It found that happiness levels varied based on factors such as academic year, faculty of study, and family income, with a significant negative correlation between academic year and happiness.</p> 2024-04-10T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of The Royal Thai Army Nurses The Effect of Coronavirus 2019 Infection in Pregnant Women : A Systematic Review 2023-10-14T10:34:28+07:00 Kanjana Srisawad Somjai Puttapithukpol <p>The purpose of this systematic review was to summarize knowledge from research on the effects of Coronavirus 2019 infection in pregnant women. The research model was used according to The Joanna Briggs Institute for Evidence Based Nursing and Midwifery consisting of selecting research published from 2020 to 2022. Research tools consisted of 1) Inclusion criteria form 2) Critical appraisal form and 3) Data extraction form. Analyze the data by narrative summary<br />The study found that a systematic review, there were 26 studies affecting pregnant women, namely premature labor, miscarriage, caesarean section, maternal death, premature rupture of the membranes and psychosocial effects of pregnant women showed increased depression and anxiety. Effect of Coronavirus 2019 infection in pregnant women on their babies is neonatal deaths, fetal distress, fetal growth retardation and low birth weight. The results of this systematic review should be used as a guideline for the care of pregnant women in order to prevent potential adverse effects on pregnant women and their infants.</p> 2024-04-10T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of The Royal Thai Army Nurses Development of Crispy Vegetables Fortified with Prebiotics for Health 2023-09-23T20:40:09+07:00 Jintana Artsanthia Pornsiri Punthasee Nanita Pitplern Chanikan Sonklin Saifon Mungsoongnern <p>This research was the development of crispy vegetables supplemented with prebiotics. The objectives were to 1) study product prototypes 2) study nutritional values 3) design business products. The sample consisted of 120 people who did not like to eat vegetables by simple random sampling according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The instruments were quantitative and qualitative questionnaires. Data analysis used descriptive and content analysis.<br />The research results found that the vegetables had a green odor. The taste was bitter and spicy, with no flavor, not appetizing, and not eating full, Cultivation of parents who did not like to eat vegetables. From the quality of the taste of crispy vegetables supplemented with prebiotics, the product was designed as a vegetable formula consisting of pumpkin, potato, and taro. The ratio of root crops to vegetables was equal to 1:1, 1:2, and 2:1 by weight. It was found that satisfaction with the product was at a high level of 95.4%. Satisfaction in eating vegetables was at a high level of 96.8%. High liking for crispy vegetables mixed with prebiotics 88.6%. There was a high level of attitude towards eating vegetables at 94.4%. In crispy vegetables mixed with prebiotics, there were 15 nutrients per serving (15 grams), 50 kilocalories of energy, no fat, no cholesterol, 2 grams of protein, and 11 carbohydrates. grams, 3 grams of dietary fiber, 1 gram of sugar, and 140 milligrams of sodium. This product is an alternative for those who refuse to eat vegetables.</p> 2024-04-10T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of The Royal Thai Army Nurses The Development of Guidelines of Promoting the Development and Healthy Growth for Premature Infants, Thailand 2022-11-05T22:32:40+07:00 Jaruwan Sanongyard Netiya Jamtim Lakana Sirathirakul Matanee Radabutr Napawan Wiriyasirikul <p>This research and development aimed to 1) analyze the current situation and develop a guideline for promoting preterm infants’ development and proper growth and 2) evaluate the guideline. The instrument consisted of a guideline for promoting preterm infants’ development and proper growth and preterm infant care behaviors for promoting preterm infants’ development and proper growth questionnaire. Descriptive statistics, content analysis, and t-tests analyzed the data.<br />The results showed: 1) Analyzing the current situation and developing a guideline for promoting preterm infants’ development and proper growth consists of the guidelines for taking care of the family, the working process of the coordination, and developing tools/innovations and guidelines for evaluating preterm infants. The activities of this guideline included building relationships and exchanging knowledge between mothers, infant families, and healthcare providers, teaching and demonstrating mothers and families for taking care of preterm infants and reviewing procedures for referring patients, providing knowledge through LINE applications, and evaluating and renewing knowledge. 2) The mean overall scores of preterm infant care behaviors of mothers and families after the trial between the experimental and control groups were statistically significant, p &lt; .05.<br />Recommendation: This guideline should be studied and analyzed to suit the user groups and the context of each area.</p> 2024-04-10T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of The Royal Thai Army Nurses The Factors Related to COVID-19 Preventive Behaviors among Buddhist Monks in Muang District, Roi-Et 2023-08-26T08:34:49+07:00 Jatuporn Jumrongpeng Jaruwan Kownaklai <p>This research aimed to study the preventive behavior against COVID-19 and its related factors among Buddhist Monks. A multi-stage sampling process yielded 120 monks. The instrument included questionnaires for sociodemographic, perceived susceptibility, perceived severity, perceived barriers, perceived benefits, perceived self-efficacy, and preventive behavior against COVID-19. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Pearson Product-Moment Correlation, and Point Biserial Correlation. The results revealed that the samples had a high level of preventive behaviors against COVID-19 (M = 85.88, S.D.=10.29). The behaviors related significantly (p &lt; .01) with perceived self-efficacy (r = .415), perceived benefits (r = .414), perceived susceptibility (r = .403), and perceived severity (r = .227)</p> 2024-04-10T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of The Royal Thai Army Nurses Factors Influencing Blood Glucose Control Behavior among Pregnant Women with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus in Warinchamrap Hospital, Ubon Ratchathani Province 2023-08-06T09:11:38+07:00 Nattida Panyatanakun Prapatsorn Jandee Patcharaporn Anuphan <p>The predictive correlational research aims of investigating the predictability of blood glucose control behavior among pregnant women with gestational diabetes mellitus in Warinchamrap hospital. The study recruited 53 pregnancy women with gestational diabetes mellitus following the inclusion criteria. Data were collected using questionnaires, including questionnaire of pregnancy women with gestational diabetic mellitus, family interaction questionnaire, health belief questionnaire and blood glucose control behavior of pregnancy women with gestational diabetic mellitus. All data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and multiple linear regression.<br />The result showed that age, family interaction, perceived potential for complication, perceived severity of the disease and perceived benefit of practice were significantly correlated with blood glucose control behavior among pregnant women with gestational diabetes mellitus (r = -.379, r = .554, r = .443, r = .424, r = .294, p&lt;.05, respectively). Family interaction could significantly predict blood glucose control behavior among pregnant women with gestational diabetes mellitus (p&lt;.05), equally 44 percent (R2adj = 0.37, F = 6.08).<br />Nurse can promote interaction within the family. To develop a process to stimulate glucose control behaviors in pregnant women with gestational diabetes.</p> 2024-04-10T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of The Royal Thai Army Nurses The Effectiveness of Using the Miracle Spinning Palm Plate Innovation for Exercising on Exercise Behavior and Satisfaction with the Innovation of Nursing Students at Prachomklao College of Nursing, Phetchaburi Province 2023-07-22T11:05:24+07:00 Ketkanok Kettong Kannokarn Kutawin Panisara Songwatthanayuth <p>The quasi-experimental research aimed to examine the effectiveness of exercise by the miracle spinning palm innovation for exercising on exercise behaviour and satisfaction with the innovation of nursing students at Prachomklao College of Nursing, Phetchaburi Province. The participants were selected into either the experimental (n = 56) or the control (n = 56) groups. The experimental group received the exercise by using the miracle spinning palm plate innovation for exercising. The research instrument included an exercise by using the miracle spinning palm plate innovation for exercising and data collection tools comprising of exercise behavior questionnaires and satisfaction with the innovation of nursing students questionnaires. Data were analyzed using descriptive and t-test statistics. The results revealed that is statistically significant differences between pretest and posttest scores of exercise behaviour in the nursing students (t = -47.02, p &lt; .01). There are statistically significant differences between the experimental group and control group of exercise behavior in the nursing students (t = 36.97, p&lt; .01). The satisfaction level of the program is at a good level (M = 4.31, SD = 0.69). The findings suggested that nurses can apply this program to promote exercise behavior by using the miracle spinning palm innovation for exercising in students and other people.</p> 2024-04-10T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of The Royal Thai Army Nurses Development of Health Education Program Based on Constructionism Concept and Health Belief Model for Enhancing Health Literacy on Health Quotient of Vocational Education Students 2023-11-03T09:06:32+07:00 Phunarat Phiphithkul Rungrawee Samawattana Aimatcha Wattanaburanont <p>The purposes of this study were to 1) develop a Health Education Program 2) study the effectiveness of this Health Education Program. The participants purposive sampling were 70 vocational education students divided into 2 groups of 35 students, an experimental and a control group. The process of experiment took 8 weeks with 2 periods a week, and 60 minutes per period. The research instruments were health education program and health literacy questionnaire of the content validity assessed by 5 experts. The statistics used in data analysis for pretest and posttest were mean, standard deviation (S.D.) and t-test.<br />The results of the research were as follows: 1) The developed health education program. For learning management process, 2 components were organized (1) learning activity management in accordance with 4 steps (information sharing, connecting experiences, constructing works and reflection of learning and presenting their works) by arranging 8 learning activities including principles of using health products, risk factors from health products, health literacy from health products, health products and our body, why using health products?, get away from unhealthy products, don’t let’s unhealthy product into our life, and self-care of health products ; and (2) learning experience management in the areas of exhibition and guidance of health products. 2) After participating the program, health literacy mean scores of the experimental group were found significantly higher than before participating the program at the very good level and health literacy mean scores of the experimental group were also found significantly higher than the control group at .05 level.</p> 2024-04-10T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of The Royal Thai Army Nurses The Effects of Social Support Program on Burnout in Caregivers of Bedridden Patients 2023-01-23T20:34:45+07:00 Budsayamas Kantamas Nuchanart Bunthumporn Rangsiman Soonthonchaiya <p>The quasi-experimental research aimed at studying the effects of a social support program on the effects of social support program on burn out in caregivers of bedridden patients. The sample group was 60 caregivers of bedridden patients divided to 2 groups ; 30 people in the experimental group and 30 people in the control group. The research instruments were valid by 3 experts and a Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of .87. Demographic data was analyzed using descriptive statistics. Major findings were as follows: 1.The Maslach Burnout Inventory burnout in caregivers of bedridden patients in the experimental group had difference from post-test mean scores (M = 42.47, SD = 12.23) before attending the experimental (M = 63.60, SD = 12.09) (t = 17.23, p&lt;.001) 2. The mean scores difference between the experimental group which attended the social support program had difference from the control group which receiving routine care ( = 21.13, SD = 6.72) between pre and post receiving social support program ( = 1.93, SD = 3.78) (t = -16.39, p&lt;.000);<br />The research indicated that the social support program is effectiveness reducing burn out in caregivers of bedridden patients. Thus, the social support program is one of the alternatives for health personnel to recommend caregivers of bedridden patients or other chronic patients in order to alleviate burn out syndrome and find the way to solve problems.</p> 2024-04-10T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of The Royal Thai Army Nurses The Influence of Age, Body Mass Index, Gestational Weight Gain, Parity, Oxytocin Dosage, Receiving Pain Medications, and Anxiety on The Duration of Labor in Parturient Women at Term 2023-10-29T12:20:48+07:00 Sasipriya Chaiyo Piyanun Limruangrong Wanna Phahuwatanakorn <p>This study examined the influence of age, body mass index, gestational weight gain, parity, oxytocin dosage, receiving pain medications, and anxiety over duration of labor in parturient women at term. The sample was 127 parturient women with natural birth. Data were collected by using a demographic data questionnaire and an anxiety during labor questionnaire. Data were analyzed with descriptive statistics and multiple regression analysis.<br />According to the findings, the sample had a mean duration of labor of 557.04 minutes in Stage 1 of labor and 19.26 minutes in Stage 2 of labor, a mean of 575.81 minutes in both stages of labor. The factors with influence over duration of labor among parturient women with statistical significance consisted of parity (ß = -.22, p = .013), oxytocin dosage (ß = -.24, p = .005), and anxiety (ß = .37, p &lt; .001). The factors were able to explain duration of labor among parturient women at 25.30 percent (R2 = .253, F = 5.765, p&lt; .001).</p> 2024-04-11T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of The Royal Thai Army Nurses The Influence of Age, Body Mass Index, Gestational Weight Gain, Parity, Oxytocin Dosage, Receiving Pain Medications, and Anxiety on The Duration of Labor in Parturient Women at Term 2022-02-27T19:16:53+07:00 Sasipriya Chaiyo Piyanun Limruangrong Wanna Phahuwatanakorn <p>This study examined the influence of age, body mass index, gestational weight gain, parity, oxytocin dosage, receiving pain medications, and anxiety over duration of labor in parturient women at term. The sample was 127 parturient women with natural birth. Data were collected by using a demographic data questionnaire and an anxiety during labor questionnaire. Data were analyzed with descriptive statistics and multiple regression analysis.<br />According to the findings, the sample had a mean duration of labor of 557.04 minutes in Stage 1 of labor and 19.26 minutes in Stage 2 of labor, a mean of 575.81 minutes in both stages of labor. The factors with influence over duration of labor among parturient women with statistical significance consisted of parity (ß = -.22, p = .013), oxytocin dosage (ß = -.24, p = .005), and anxiety (ß = .37, p &lt; .001). The factors were able to explain duration of labor among parturient women at 25.30 percent (R2 = .253, F = 5.765, p&lt; .001).</p> Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of The Royal Thai Army Nurses A Development of a Mental Health Counseling System for Preventing Depression Among University Students in the Nakhon Pathom Province 2023-11-26T09:57:45+07:00 Wariya Chankham Riam Namaruk Hathaichanok Buajaroen Darin Photangtham <p>This research and development project aimed to develop a mental health counseling system to prevent depression among university students. Develop a counseling system using a participatory process. Data was collected using a depression assessment questionnaire and semi-structured interviews, a simple random sample was drawn from 429 students, specifically selecting 5 doctors and nurses. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, mean, standard deviation, and percentage, and comparative content analysis. The research findings revealed that the mental health counseling system for individuals with depression includes the following components: 1) Screening assessment for the At-risk group with depression. 2) Providing counseling services for students with depression, and referring them for hospital treatment when necessary. 3) Conducting activities to enhance knowledge and understanding of depression and strengthened resilience in life. 4) Implementing a monitoring system for the at-risk group. “Forty-one students with moderate depression who received services, their self-esteem mean scores increased significantly ( = 24.61), with a statistically significant relationship at the .05 level. The mental health counseling system for preventing depression among students facilitates appropriate access to care and increased self-esteem. The educational institution should establish a mental health counseling system for students, incorporating mental health problem screening for students facing mental health challenges.</p> 2024-04-10T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of The Royal Thai Army Nurses The Effectiveness of a Self-regulation Skill Enhancement Program for Uncontrolled Type 2 Diabetes Patients with Overweight Body Mass Index in Kumphawapi District, Udon Thani Province 2024-04-11T13:52:43+07:00 Tipwimon Srijompon Sutteeporn Moolsart Noppawan Piaseu <p>This quasi-experimental research was a two-group pretest-posttest design. The purposes of the research were to study the effects of a self-regulation skill enhancement program on the perception of self-efficacy in diabetes control, diabetes control behavior, body mass index (BMI), waistline, and blood glucose level among uncontrolled type 2 diabetes patients with overweight BMI. The sample was selected by random sampling and group of 32 people each. Research instruments were 1) a self-regulation enhancement program and handbook based on the theory of Bandura’s self-regulation theory. The 10-week activities comprised workshops and home visits; 2) questionnaires on diabetes control self-efficacy and behavior. The content validity index of both questionnaires was 1.00. Cronbach’s alpha coefficients were .91 and .92, respectively. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and a t-test. The result showed that after enrolling in the program, the self-efficacy and behavioral diabetes control of the experimental group were more than before enrolling in the program, and more than the comparative group, to a statistically significant degree at p-value &lt; .05. Mean BMI, waistline, and blood sugar of the experimental group were less than before enrolling in the program, and less than the comparative group, at p-value &lt; .05.</p> 2024-04-11T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 The Effectiveness of a Self-regulation Skill Enhancement Program for Uncontrolled Type 2 Diabetes Patients with Overweight Body Mass Index in Kumphawapi District, Udon Thani Province 2022-06-25T17:09:31+07:00 Tipwimon Srijompon Sutteeporn Moolsart Noppawan Piaseu <p>This quasi-experimental research was a two-group pretest-posttest design. The purposes of the research were to study the effects of a self-regulation skill enhancement program on the perception of self-efficacy in diabetes control, diabetes control behavior, body mass index (BMI), waistline, and blood glucose level among uncontrolled type 2 diabetes patients with overweight BMI. The sample was selected by random sampling and group of 32 people each. Research instruments were 1) a self-regulation enhancement program and handbook based on the theory of Bandura’s self-regulation theory. The 10-week activities comprised workshops and home visits; 2) questionnaires on diabetes control self-efficacy and behavior. The content validity index of both questionnaires was 1.00. Cronbach’s alpha coefficients were .91 and .92, respectively. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and a t-test. The result showed that after enrolling in the program, the self-efficacy and behavioral diabetes control of the experimental group were more than before enrolling in the program, and more than the comparative group, to a statistically significant degree at p-value &lt; .05. Mean BMI, waistline, and blood sugar of the experimental group were less than before enrolling in the program, and less than the comparative group, at p-value &lt; .05.</p> Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of The Royal Thai Army Nurses A Confirmation Factor Analysis of Health Literacy for Child Caregivers 2023-08-06T08:36:32+07:00 Walainaree Pommala Korawut Phanprom Nichapat Tanasirirak Manasri Phaiboonsiri <p>The caring is the way to taking care of childhood to have good health includes physical, manental and intellectual health. Child caregivers must have health literacy about childhood care in order to development by aged and have proper health behaviors. The purpose of this survey study was to analyze component of caregiver’s health literacy in chid care centers. There were 240 of child caregivers. Data were collcted using nurturing care questionnaire. Content validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by 5 experts yielding the values each item ranged 0.8-1.0 and Reliability of the questionnaire was tested by Cronbach’s alpha coefficient yielding a values of .98. Data were analyzed using confirmation factor analysis.<br />The research results and confirmatory factor analysis revealed that health literacy of child caregivers in child care centers consisted of six main components: 1) communication skill, 2) health knowledge and understand, 3) media literacy, 4) self-management skill, 5) decision skill, and 6) accessing information and service. The health literacy components of child caregivers in child care centers was fit to the empirical data (χ2(2, N = 240) = 1.06, p = .59, CFI = 1.00, TLI = 1.00, RMSEA = .00, SRMR = .00) The data can be used to develop appropriate caregivers’ assessment tools and design the development of a system to care for child development centers more effectively.</p> 2024-04-10T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of The Royal Thai Army Nurses The Effects of Clinical Nursing Practice Guidelines to Prevention & Care for Incontinence Associated Dermatitis in Patient Ward Somdech Phra Debaratana Building Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital 2023-11-26T15:04:41+07:00 Rungrat Koetsawat Pinyo Utthiya Chuanchom Onthai <p>The quasi-experimental research aimed to investigate the effects of clinical nursing practices in preventing and managing incontinence-associated dermatitis (IAD) in two phases. The sample included 39 patients at risk of IAD in both phases and 93 nurses, and 81 nursing assistants.Specific tools included personal information questionnaires, clinical practice assessment forms, patient satisfaction surveys, and staff opinion questionnaires. The content validity index was 1.00 for all tools. Statistical analysis involved t-tests and McNemar’s test.<br />Results indicated a significant reduction in IAD occurrences in phase 2, with higher patient satisfaction scores. Staff, especially nursing assistants, showed increased agreement with the use of clinical practices in phase 2. Overall, the study suggests that implementing these practices can enhance outcomes for both patients and healthcare providers.</p> 2024-04-10T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of The Royal Thai Army Nurses Perspectives and Perceptions of Older People on Smoking Cessation 2023-10-29T09:06:47+07:00 Nittiya Noysipoom Sirinan Charoenphol Gitipong Pinichpan <p>Tobacco consumption is a public health threat that directly affects people’s health, both smokers and close ones. Smoking cessation is of great benefit to the elderly because it reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke, including increasing their life expectancy.<br />Academic service activities aimed at controlling tobacco consumption will be a part of helping to solve the problem of tobacco consumption among the elderly. It aims to raise awareness about the consequences of tobacco consumption, highlighting the importance of reducing or quitting smoking. Additionally, it can be a guideline for developing a model to change tobacco consumption behavior in the elderly in the future. This qualitative research aimed to explore perspectives and perceptions of older smokers regarding smoking cessation using a semi-structured interview. The results from interviewing six older people who consumed tobacco showed that the perceptions of the elderly were divided into 3 main themes: 1) smoking and addiction, 2) tobacco is both friendly and potentially toxic at the same time, and 3) reduction. Quitting, which reflects perceptions of tobacco choice and trends in tobacco control among the elderly. The academic service activities help older people to increase their knowledge about the dangers of tobacco consumption. However, as tobacco consumption is an addictive behavior that has been going on for a long time, so it takes time, and one needs to be motivated to quit smoking.</p> 2024-04-10T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of The Royal Thai Army Nurses The Effect of Brain, Mind, and Learning Program combined with Zumba Exercise Training on Executive Functions of the Brain among 10th Grade Students 2024-04-11T10:43:58+07:00 Phuchong Phukhae Sasinan Sirithadakunlaphat Warakorn Supwirapakorn <p>This research was a quasi - experimental research. It aimed to study the effect of brain, mind, and learning program with Zumba exercise training on executive functions of the brain among 10th grade students. The samples, 52 10th grade students, were randomly assigned to either the experimental group or the control group (26 for each group) by matching the executive functions scores using the Executive Function Self Evaluate Report (EFSER). The research instruments were 1) EFSER 2) brain, mind, and learning program combined with Zumba exercises developed by the researcher. The program consisted of 9 sessions, lasted for 60 minutes for each session. The outcomes were measured at 3 time points for analysis: pre-test, post-test, and follow-up phases. The data were analyzed by a repeated-measures analysis of variance and paireddifferent test by Bonferroni method. The results showed that 1) The executive functions of the brain of students in the experimental group were higher than the control group in the post-test phase with statistically significant differences at the .05 level, 2) The executive functions of the brain of students in the experimental group were higher than the control group in the follow-up phase with statistically significant differences at the .05 level, 3) The experimental group had executive functions of the brain in the post-test phase higher than in the pre-test period with statistical significant differences at the .05 level, and 4) The executive functions of the brain of students in the experimental group in the follow-up period and the pre-experimental period were not statistically significant difference.</p> 2024-04-11T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 The Effect of Brain, Mind, and Learning Program combined with Zumba Exercise Training on Executive Functions of the Brain among 10th Grade Students 2022-07-16T09:17:04+07:00 Phuchong Phukhae Sasinan Sirithadakunlaphat Warakorn Supwirapakorn <p>This research was a quasi - experimental research. It aimed to study the effect of brain, mind, and learning program with Zumba exercise training on executive functions of the brain among 10th grade students. The samples, 52 10th grade students, were randomly assigned to either the experimental group or the control group (26 for each group) by matching the executive functions scores using the Executive Function Self Evaluate Report (EFSER). The research instruments were 1) EFSER 2) brain, mind, and learning program combined with Zumba exercises developed by the researcher. The program consisted of 9 sessions, lasted for 60 minutes for each session. The outcomes were measured at 3 time points for analysis: pre-test, post-test, and follow-up phases. The data were analyzed by a repeated-measures analysis of variance and paireddifferent test by Bonferroni method. The results showed that 1) The executive functions of the brain of students in the experimental group were higher than the control group in the post-test phase with statistically significant differences at the .05 level, 2) The executive functions of the brain of students in the experimental group were higher than the control group in the follow-up phase with statistically significant differences at the .05 level, 3) The experimental group had executive functions of the brain in the post-test phase higher than in the pre-test period with statistical significant differences at the .05 level, and 4) The executive functions of the brain of students in the experimental group in the follow-up period and the pre-experimental period were not statistically significant difference.</p> Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of The Royal Thai Army Nurses Factor Influencing to Prevention of COVID-19 Infection among the Older Adults in Chaiyaphum Province 2023-10-29T12:42:21+07:00 Khemika Napattaradechanon Phakwarin Phattharasirisomboon Sutapinun Pronlerttaveekun <p>This research is a descriptive research was to analyze the factors that influenced the prevention of COVID-19 in older adults in Chaiyaphum Province. The sample group is 422 older adults living in Chaiyaphum Province. Data were collected using a general information questionnaire. Questionnaire on factors influencing health promotion behavior to prevent COVID-19 infection and health promotion behavior questionnaire to prevent COVID-19 infection. Data were analyzed using Pearson’s correlation coefficient and stepwise multiple regression.<br />The study results showed that older adults have health promotion behaviors to prevent COVID-19 infection at a good level (M = 3.73, SD = 27). Situational influences (Beta = 0.59, t = 10.98, p &lt;.001), perceived benefits of practice (Beta = -0.13, t = -2.85, p = .005), and interpersonal influences (Beta = 0.10, t = 1.98, p = .04) were able to predict the health promotion behaviors to prevent COVID-19 infection of the older adults at 37.6 percentages (R2 = .376, F = 83.86, p &lt; .001). The factors that most affect the prevention of COVID-19 among the older adults in Chaiyaphum Province is influenced by the situation (Beta = 0.59, t = 10.98, p &lt;.001)<br />Recommendation: It can be used as basic information for experimental research to develop health promotion skills in preventing COVID-19 infection related to factors influenced by the situation. Perceived benefits of practice and the interpersonal influence of the older adults in the area.</p> 2024-04-10T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of The Royal Thai Army Nurses Effects of the Promoting Smoking Cessation Program on Smoking Cessation Behavior using Teamwork Approach and Self-efficacy of full-time workers in the Workplace, Samut Sakhon Province 2023-06-03T07:58:21+07:00 Pitsanu Khamnuan Ann Jirapongsuwan Surintorn Kalampakorn Sukhontha Siri <p>This research was a two-group quasi-experimental pretest-posttest design. The aim was to examine the effects of the promoting smoking cessation program on smoking cessation behavior using teamwork approach and self-efficacy of full-time workers in the workplace, Samut Sakhon Province. The samples consisted of 60 full-time workers in the workplace, Samut Sakhon province. Each group included 30 persons. The experimental instrument was a promoting smoking cessation program on smoking cessation behavior using teamwork approach and self-efficacy that was examined for content validity by 3 experts. The Reliability of questionnaire on the nicotine dependence was .80. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Chi-square, Pair-sample t-test, Wilcoxon signed ranks test, independent-sample t-test, and Mann-Whitney U test. The results showed that after the intervention, the nicotine addiction level and the number of cigarettes smoked per day in the experimental group were decreased when compared to the pre-intervention period (p &lt; .05) and the control group with statistical significance (p &lt; .05). In addition, the smoking cessation success of the experimental group was higher than the control group with statistical significance (p &lt; .05). The study’s findings could serve as a guideline for the workplace’s stakeholder team to promote effective smoking cessation in the workplace for full-time workers to quit smoking.</p> 2024-04-10T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of The Royal Thai Army Nurses Effects of a Health Belief Enhancing Program on Perception and Coronavirus 2019 Vaccination Receiving Among Elderly Population in Savannakhet Province, LAO PDR 2023-09-30T12:27:09+07:00 Paliya Saiyasith Nutcharat Mangkarakeree Decha Tamdee <p>This quasi-experimental research with a two-group pretest-posttest design. The research objectives were to study the Effects of a Health Belief Enhancing Program on Perception and coronavirus-2019 Vaccination Receiving Among the Elderly Population in Savannakhet Province, LAO PDR.The study included 48 elderly participants from Savannakhet province, divided into two groups: one group that received the program (experimental group, 24 individuals) and another that did not(comparison group, also 24 individuals). The study lasted for 6 weeks. To collect data, using questionnaires to measure Perception and coronavirus 2019 Vaccination Receiving The reliability was .76 and.95 respectively. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, the Paired t-test, and the independent t-test. The study’s findings revealed that, after participating in the program, the experimental group’s average scores for COVID-19 awareness significantly increased compared to their scores before the program (p = .002). Furthermore, their awareness scores were significantly higher than those of the comparison group (P&lt; .05).<br />The results revealed that the healthcare personnel can apply this Health Belief Enhancement Program for the elderly to improve COVID-19 prevention this time for encouraging elderly people in other areas to come and receive the vaccination against further diseases.</p> 2024-04-10T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of The Royal Thai Army Nurses The Effect of Family Support on Medication Adherence in Schizophrenic Patients with Violence Behaviors 2022-11-13T14:44:30+07:00 Aroonkamole Sarbrum Ratchaneekorn Upasen <p>The quasi-experimental research which was conducted as pretest-posttest control group design, aimed; 1) to compare medication adherence behaviors in schizophrenic patients with violence before and after receiving a family support program, and 2) to compare between the groups receiving the family support program and regular nursing care. The sample group was schizophrenic patients with violence who came to receive services at the inpatient department, Prasrimahabhodi Psychiatrict Hospital. They were 40 qualified patients coming along with family. They were randomly assigned to an experimental and Control group of 20 participants each. The research instruments included 1) Family Support Program, 2) Personal Data Questionnaire, 3) Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale 4) Medication<br />Adherence Scale, and 5) Social Support Scale; all of which have passed the content validity test from 5 experts with the alpha-Cronbrach reliability coefficient of .85 and .89, respectively. The data were subsequently analyzed using means, a standard deviation, and t-test statistics. The results: The medication adherence behavior of schizophrenic patients with violence in was .05 statistically significant and was shown to be higher than before receiving the family support program. The schizophrenic patients with violence who were in the family support program group was shown to be .05 statistically significant in medication adherence behaviors, higher than its counterpart.</p> Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of The Royal Thai Army Nurses The Effect of Family Support on Medication Adherence in Schizophrenic Patients with Violence Behaviors 2024-04-11T10:54:19+07:00 Aroonkamole Sarbrum Ratchaneekorn Upasen <p>The quasi-experimental research which was conducted as pretest-posttest control group design, aimed; 1) to compare medication adherence behaviors in schizophrenic patients with violence before and after receiving a family support program, and 2) to compare between the groups receiving the family support program and regular nursing care. The sample group was schizophrenic patients with violence who came to receive services at the inpatient department, Prasrimahabhodi Psychiatrict Hospital. They were 40 qualified patients coming along with family. They were randomly assigned to an experimental and Control group of 20 participants each. The research instruments included 1) Family Support Program, 2) Personal Data Questionnaire, 3) Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale 4) Medication<br>Adherence Scale, and 5) Social Support Scale; all of which have passed the content validity test from 5 experts with the alpha-Cronbrach reliability coefficient of .85 and .89, respectively. The data were subsequently analyzed using means, a standard deviation, and t-test statistics. The results: The medication adherence behavior of schizophrenic patients with violence in was .05 statistically significant and was shown to be higher than before receiving the family support program. The schizophrenic patients with violence who were in the family support program group was shown to be .05 statistically significant in medication adherence behaviors, higher than its counterpart.</p> 2024-04-11T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 The Effect of Using the Health Status Assessment form on the Planning of Adult and Elderly Patient Care Activities of Nursing Practitioner Students 2023-08-13T12:31:32+07:00 Thinnakorn Buachu Kamontip Chaimakham Khwanhathai Yimlamai Saneh Khunkaew <p>The purpose of this study was to 1) examine the effectiveness in the adult and elderly patient care activity plan among Practitioner students and 2) evaluate the effect of satisfaction after used of health status assessments form. The sample was recruited from Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University, Academic Year 2022, totaling 30 students. A questionnaire was consisted of; eight health status assessment forms, patient care assistance activity plan writing assessment forms; satisfaction assessment form and were using a t-test for comparing pre and post-test.<br />The results showed that the effectiveness of writing an activity plan to support adult and elderly patient care after used the health status assessment questionnaire in the 4th week was higher than the 2nd week at the statistical significance level at .01 and the students’ satisfaction was at a good level. In conclusion, this research reflects the use of the health status assessment form that is appropriate for Practitioner Nursing students according to their scope of duties who is a nursing assistant to take care of patients as assigned by Registered Nurses under the supervision of registered nurses covering physical, mental, social and spiritual health conditions.</p> 2024-04-10T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of The Royal Thai Army Nurses The Factors Related to Mental Health Status of Older Adults with Chronic Illness in the Situation of COVID-19, Nakhon Si Thammarat Province 2023-02-17T18:53:09+07:00 Parinda Junkeaw Saifon Aekwarangkoon Naiyana Noonil Nuntaporn Klinjun <p>This descriptive research aimed to study the mental health status and factors related to the mental health status of older adults with chronic illnesses during the COVID-19 pandemic. The sample comprised 423 older adults with chronic illnesses who received care at subdistrict health-promoting hospitals in Nakhon Si Thammarat Province. The research instruments included 1) a general information questionnaire, 2) a questionnaire on factors related to the mental health status of older adults with chronic illnesses during the COVID-19 pandemic, and 3) the Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale-21 Items (DASS-21). The IOC of the questionnaire parts 2 was 0.6-1, the reliability of the questionnaire parts 2 and 3 was 0.91 and 0.89 respectively. Data were analyzed using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, chi-square, and Fisher’s Exact Test.<br />The study found that 0.24% of the subjects had moderate and mild stress, anxiety at moderate level (19.86%) and mild level (4.96%) respectively, depression at moderate level (18.20%) and mild level (1.42%) respectively. Factors associated with mental health status of elderly people with chronic illness in the COVID-19 situation were close contact with infected people (p &lt; .05) and ongoing treatment for chronic illnesses from healthcare providers (p &lt; .01). Based on these findings, healthcare providers should encourage older adults with chronic illnesses to have continuous access to health services to prevent mental health problems during the COVID-19 pandemic or future emerging diseases.</p> 2024-04-10T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of The Royal Thai Army Nurses Effects of an Experiential Learning Enhancement Program on knowledge and care practices of caregiver-dependent elderly 2023-10-21T08:37:40+07:00 Rungtiwa Janngarm Nutcharat Mangkarakeree Decha Tamdee <p>This research is a quasi-experimental research have a purpose to study the effect of an experiential learning promotion program on knowledge and practice of caring for the dependent elderly of elderly caregivers The sample group consisted of 60 elderly carers who were randomly drawn into group samples, then 2 groups were drawn into the experimental group and the comparison group, 30 people each. The experimental group received an experiential learning program for a period of 6 weeks. The comparison group was assigned to perform normal tasks. The research tools were 1) an experiential learning promotion program 2) a data collection consisting of general information questionnaire observation form for caring for the elderly and a knowledge test of taking care of the elderly Verify accuracy Cronbach’s alpha coefficient is .88. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics and t-test. The research results can be summarized as follows The average score of knowledge and practice of caring for the dependent elderly of elderly caregivers After receiving the experiential learning promotion program for the experimental group higher than the comparison group It was statistically significant (p&lt;.001). The average scores of knowledge and practice of caring for the dependent elderly of the experimental group after receiving the experiential learning promotion program higher than before receiving the program Statistically significant (p&lt;.001) From the research results the implementation of experiential learning programs should be supported, promoted and disseminated. to apply in designing health services in various matters According to the experience of the target group.</p> 2024-04-10T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of The Royal Thai Army Nurses The Study of the Experiences of Nurses Caring for Patients with Coronavirus 2019 in an Intensive Care Unit 2023-07-01T10:28:40+07:00 Chutimaporn Komol Wasinee Wisesrith <p>This qualitative study aimed to explore the lived experiences of nurses caring for patients with coronavirus 2019 in an intensive care unit by conducting in-depth interviews in combination with audio recordings, observation and field notes. Purposive sampling was used to select 15 nurses caring for patients with coronavirus 2019 at an ICU and Martin Heidegger’s hermeneutic phenomenology was applied as the research methodology. All interviews were transcribed verbatim and analyzed by using Van Manen’s (Van Manen, 1990) method of content analysis.<br />The findings of this study of the experiences of nurses caring for patients with coronavirus 2019 in an intensive care unit revealed the following 5 major themes 1. Caring for infected patients with overwhelmed feelings because coronavirus 2019 is an emerging disease 2. Caring for physical health by combining previous experiences with new knowledge 3. Caring with humanized care 4. Problems and obstacles to providing care 5. Lessons learned from caring for patients.<br />These findings provide information for nursing administrators to promote and support various aspects of nursing practice and building self-worth for nurses in caring for patients with coronavirus 2019 in intensive care units. Moreover, the findings can be used in developing guidelines for effectively improving the quality of nursing care in similar situations potentially occurring in the future.</p> 2024-04-10T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of The Royal Thai Army Nurses Functional and Cognitive Status and Driving Cessation among Senior Road Users 2023-09-09T09:59:13+07:00 Pratsani Srikan Sirisuda Tachavises Arunya Namwong <p>Senior road users in Thailand face issues due to the aging population. The study aimed to analyze seniors’ physical, cognitive state, and their choices related to driving. Data collected from 268 participants in Phayao province. The tools used included a personal data record form and a form regarding the intention to stop driving vehicles. Additionally, a physical and cognitive performance assessment form was utilized to evaluate the range of motion in the joints, color blindness, depth perception, peripheral vision, brake reaction time, rapid pace walks, and clock drawing test. Most participants were married, primarily educated, and 64.8% had co-morbidities. Bicycles and motorcycles were favored transport modes, primarily used during the morning. Sixty-seven percent of participants reported visual problems; many exhibited a limited range of motion and have no intention to stop driving/riding. The study underlined the need for targeted interventions and policies to tackle specific problems faced by elderly road users, such as medical conditions, sensory impairments, and cognitive decline, to improve road safety and well-being.</p> 2024-04-10T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of The Royal Thai Army Nurses The Effects of Gamification on Health Literacy in School-aged Children with Thalassemia 2023-11-12T12:47:00+07:00 Orarat Maneelert Susheewa Wichaikull <p>This is quasi-experimental research aimed to study the effects of an online game on health literacy of school-age children with thalassemia, including knowledge, decision making and healthcare management regarding continuing care. 42 school-age children with Beta Thalassemia and Hemoglobin E deficiency were recruited based on inclusion criteria and equally organised into control and experiment group by math pair sampling. The instruments of this study were Thalassemia online games and health literacy assessments validated by 3 experts with validity (IOC) of each item ranging from 0.6-1.0, and reliability (KR-20) = 0.8. The research was conducted in Thalassemia clinic for 6 months. Data were analysed by using paired t-test and independent t-test. The results found that gamification significantly promotes health literacy in school-age children with Thalassemia at 0.05 level. This result also confirmed that the blood iron levels from the experimental group were continuously decreased after using online games.<br />Recommendation: The learning outcomes regarding decision making experiences should be extensively focused on the future study.</p> 2024-04-10T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of The Royal Thai Army Nurses Using Neuro-Linguistic Programming for Enhancing Executive Functions of the Brain in Early Childhood 2023-08-06T10:25:15+07:00 Naphatsachon Khammee Juthamas Haenjohn Sasinan Sirithadakunlaphat <p>The objective of this research was to test the effectiveness of using Neuro-Linguistic Programming to enhance executive functions of the brain for early childhood. The participants were Kindergarten 3 students. Forty-nine students (n = 49) were randomly selected by cluster sampling and divided into 2 groups: the experimental group (n = 27) was trained by using the program to enhance executive functions of the brain with Neuro-Linguistic Programming for early childhood, and the control group (n = 22) was studied according to the school curriculum. The research instruments were: 1) the program to enhance executive functions of the brain with Neuro-Linguistic Programming for early childhood consisting of 8 sessions (30-50 minutes each). It was developed by researchers based on Pillars of NLP such as rapport, acuity, outcomes, flexibility and anchoring techniques. 2) Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function, Second Edition (BRIEF2): Teacher Form with 63 items to assess the impairment of executive function tested for 3 periods: pre-test, post-test, and follow-up in 2 weeks. Statistical analyses were formed with one-way ANOVA with repeated measures. Bonferroni method was performed for multiple comparisons. The results showed that the experimental group had a significantly higher executive functions of the brain than control group in post-test and follow-up (p &lt; .05). And, in the experimental group, the post-test had a significantly higher executive functions of the brain than follow-up period (p &lt; .05).</p> 2024-04-10T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of The Royal Thai Army Nurses Quality of life of Early Childhood Rearing in Skipped-Generation Families was divided by love in Chaiyaphum Province: Mixed Method Research 2024-04-08T21:07:10+07:00 Yuphadi Sa-nguanphong Jarumars Janthakul <p><span class="fontstyle0">This mixed method research aimed to study the quality of life of early childhood, and to study the<br>relationship between family love factors with quality of life of early childhood in the skipped-generation<br>families in Chaiyaphum Province. The research was divided into 2 phases. First phase: to study the quality of<br>life of early childhood in the skipped-generation families of caregivers as the qualitative method used<br>semi-structured and in-depth interviews. Phase 2: to study the relationship between family love factors,<br>caregivers, and children with quality of life of early childhood in the skipped-generation families in Chaiyaphum<br>Province. It is quantitative research.</span> <br>The results revealed that: 1) positive result showed in three issues as 1.1) Caregivers are loving for children, 1.2) Caregiver is close to the child, commitment occurs and 1.3) Encourage each other, 2) negative result shown in three issues as 2.1) Lack of quality time, 2.2) Inadequate family expenses and 2.3) Digital media addiction. Second phase: to study the relationship between family love factors with quality of life of early childhood as the quantitative method. The survey result of family love factors and quality of life of early childhood had a positive relationship at 0.01 level of significance.<br>Suggestions for raising children with love, understanding and readiness of the family. It is considered the starting point for improving the quality of life of children.</p> 2024-04-10T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Stress, Depression, Self-esteem, and Self-efficacy of Nursing Students a Higher Education Institution 2024-01-14T11:21:04+07:00 Soiy Anusornteerakul Nongnuch Boonmala Suphaphak Harnklar Anchalee Ounkaew Kattika Wangtapan <p>This correlational descriptive research aimed to study stress levels, depression, self-esteem, and self-efficacy of nursing students, and the relationship between stress, depression, self-esteem, and self-efficacy. The sample was 73 third-year nursing students at a higher education institution, in Udon Thani Province. The research instruments were 20-item stress questionnaire, 9-item depression, 10-item self-esteem, and 10-item self-efficacy questionnaires. The questionnaires had a Cronbach alpha coefficient of .93, 87, .74, and .93 respectively. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and the Pearson correlation coefficient. The research results found that students had moderate to high levels of stress 17.8%, severe level of depression 1.4%, low self-esteem 24.7%, moderate self-efficacy 24.7%. The stress has a positive relationship with depression (r = .724, p&lt;. 001). Stress and depression were negatively related to self-esteem (r = -.320, p = .01 and r = -.343, p&lt;.01, respectively), but not related to self-efficacy. The self-esteem was positively related to self-efficacy (r = .260, p&lt;.05).<br /><strong>Suggestions:</strong> students who have moderate to high levels of stress, and severe levels of depression should be promoted self-esteem and self-efficacy to reduce stress and prevent depression</p> 2024-04-10T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of The Royal Thai Army Nurses The Effects of Using Simulation-Based Learning on Perceptions of the Ability to Provide Ostomy Care. In Adult Nursing Practicum 1 2023-12-03T12:28:58+07:00 Pitinut Ratchapakdee <p>This quasi-experimental research study aimed to examine the effects of using simulation-based learning for the preparation on perceptions of the ability to provide ostomy care in adult nursing practicum 1. The sample group was 40 third-year nursing students. The research instruments were an assessment of the perception of competence in nursing practice, knowledge, and practical skills, and a satisfaction assessment form. The instruments were analyzed for content validity and reliability the index of item-objective congruence was 0.75 - 1.00 the Cronbach’s Alpha Coefficient was 0.85. Data was analyzed by using descriptive statistics, percentage, mean, and standard deviation, and paired t-tests. The results found that 1) The mean score of overall nursing practice perception of nursing students after preparation was higher than before preparation and when compared the mean scores perceived ability to practice nursing after studying was higher than before preparing with statistical significance at the .01 (p &lt;.001) 2) Nursing students’ satisfaction with SBL was at the high level when considering each aspect it was found that nursing students was at the highest level of satisfaction with the teaching and learning process.</p> 2024-04-10T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of The Royal Thai Army Nurses The Effects of an Applied Behavioral Activation Therapy Program on the Depressive Symptoms of Older Adults with Depressive Disorder 2023-11-19T11:54:16+07:00 Parichat Kittimasakun Rangsiman Soonthornchaiya Sararud Vuthiarpa <p>The purpose of this pre-post tested quasi-experimental research was to determine the effects of an applied behavioral activation therapy [BAT] program on the depressive symptoms. The participants consisted of 68 persons aged 60 years old and older. Then each pair was randomly assigned into the control and experimental group, with 34 persons in each group. The research instruments were the following:<br />1) the applied behavioral activation therapy program, which was content validated by 3 professional experts, and 2) the depressive symptoms inventory for Thai elderly with depressive disorders, which the reliability using Chronbach’s alpha coefficient was .85. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and t-test.<br />The research results were the following: 1) The after participating in BAT program were significantly lower than their mean scores of depressive symptoms on pretest before participating in BAT program (t = 11.30, p&lt;.001). 2) The mean depressive scores of the experimental group significantly lower than the control group that received standard of care (t= -5.94, p&lt;.001). In conclusion, the BAT program was effectively reduced the depressive symptoms of older adults with depressive disorder. This study suggested that the BAT program should be provided for a long-term follow-up to examine the retention of the program on depressive symptoms. The researcher also considered additional activities of family caregivers to increase the efficiency of the program.</p> 2024-04-10T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of The Royal Thai Army Nurses The Effect of a Competency Building Program on Knowledge Attitude and Belief of Professional Nurses in Patients care on Volume and Pressure controlled Ventilators At Sunpasitthiprasong Hospital 2023-12-30T08:31:36+07:00 Sukanya Supit Pattaya Kaewsarn Boontip Siritarungsri <p>This was a quasi - experimental research (pre-and post-program tests were administered to the same group of samples) with the objective of comparing the pre-and post-program on volume-controlled and pressure-controlled ventilators competency of registered nurses in Sunpasitthiprasong Hospital in the areas of 1) knowledge; 2) skills; and 3) attitude. The sample population, chosen through purposive sampling, consisted of 30 registered nurses with at least one year of work experiences. The research tool was a program to develop competency in caring for patients using ventilators competency for registered nurses. An evaluation form to measure the samples’ self-reported levels of knowledge, skill and attitude about caring for patients on volume and pressure-controlled ventilators before and after the program. The content validity index of the tool was rated at .80 and the reliability was .85 when measured by Kuder-Richardson Formula 20. Personal data of the samples were analyzed by descriptive statistics and paired t-test.<br />The results showed that after participating in the capacity-building program, the nurses’ mean scores for knowledge, skills were higher than the mean pre-program score before to a statistically significant degree at .05 (p &lt; 0.05) but no difference was detected in attitude scores before and after the program. The research results should be used to develop the competency of professional nurses effectively</p> 2024-04-10T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of The Royal Thai Army Nurses The Development of Nursing Model for Promoting Optimal Birth Outcomes in Pregnant Women with Secondhand Smoke Exposure 2024-02-17T11:37:58+07:00 Bootsakon Seaharattanapatum Guyot Naphawadee Tungtrongvisolkit <p>This action research aimed to develop a nursing model for promoting optimal birth outcomes in pregnant women with secondhand smoke exposure. The subjects were forty club advisors at central division network of nursing institutions in Bangkok. They were recruited by the purposive sampling and quota sampling. Data collection used the questionnaires of health promotion knowledge. The nursing knowledge in promoting optimal birth outcomes in pregnant women with secondhand smoke exposure test was verified by the five experts (IOC) .06 - 1.00. The reliability of the research instrument (KR-20) was. 794. Data analysis used the descriptive statistics and pair t-test.<br />The results showed that after intervention, the subjects were approximately 72.5% having the highest level of prenatal health promotion knowledge score. Additionally, the mean score of prenatal health promotion knowledge in post- intervention was significantly higher than pre-intervention at .05 (t =17.323, df = 39, p &lt;.001). As the result revealed that prenatal health promotion nursing model; 1) perceiving the benefits and barriers of health behaviors, 2) encouraging family participation in health care, 3) practicing health behaviors, 4) preparing health educational application, 5) providing individual counseling online, and 6) monitoring continuous health status. The recommendation of this study should be developed the application system for helping pregnant women to avoid secondhand smoke exposure and developed the effective referral system for preventing adverse birth outcomes.</p> 2024-04-10T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of The Royal Thai Army Nurses Confirmatory Factor Analysis of Upper Primary School Students’ Scales: Attractive Behavior, Behavior for Protecting Friends from Bad Things, and Emotional Control Behavior 2024-01-20T11:09:04+07:00 Thipkhumporn Keskomon Yuwadee Traprasit <p>The objective of this research was to examine the consistency between the structural model scales of attractive behavior, behavior for protecting friends from terrible things, and emotional control behavior for upper primary school students and empirical data. Samples consisted of 1,228 male and female students in upper primary schools in the Office of the Basic Education Commission, Bangkok Metropolitan administration, and the private education sectors. The research instruments were three questionnaires, tested by 5 experts for the content validity with indicies of item objective congruence: IOC of .80 – 1.00 and Cronbach’s alpha coefficients of .75, 87 and .72, respectively. Descriptive statistics, exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were used for data analysis. The results showed that structural models of these scales had only one component and were consistent with the empirical data (χ2 = 4.90, df = 3, p = .18; χ2 = 12.34, df = 10, p = .26; χ2 = 6.42, df = 3, p = .093, respectively). The developed scales were appropriate for promoting student behaviors to prevent violence in family and society.</p> 2024-04-10T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of The Royal Thai Army Nurses Fathers’ involvement in early childhood care: A Qualitative Study 2024-02-17T10:57:01+07:00 Atcharawadee Sriyasak Atiya Sarakashetrin Chularat Howharn Varunee Ket-in Patcharee Chookunhom <p>This descriptive qualitative research aimed to explain fathers’ involvement in early childhood care in Health Region 5. A total of 32 people were selected by the purposive method. The informants included fathers who had children aged 3-5 years, a person in charge of child development in subdistrict health promoting hospital, and teacher in a child development center. Semi-structured interviews were used as a tool and for data collection until the information was saturated. The tool was verified by an expert. The data were transcribed verbatims and analyzed using the content analysis method.<br /><span class="fontstyle0">The results revealed the perspectives of fathers’ involvement in early childhood care that provided<br />three main perspectives: 1) shared responsibility 2) interaction with children and 3) needs for help and support</span> <br />Recommendations: This knowledge can be used to adapt the appropriate involvement of fathers in child care and the right to be in line with the needs of the father.<br /><br /><br /></p> 2024-04-10T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of The Royal Thai Army Nurses The Development of Education and Skill on Behavior to Prevent Acute Exacerbation and Readmit 28 Day in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in a Hospital 2024-02-17T10:51:37+07:00 Sane Putti Pichamon Kongkasem <p>This quasi-experimental study aimed to study effects of the development of Education and Skill on Behavior to manage acute exacerbation and Readmit 28 day in patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in Phukieo Chalermprakiat Hospital. Subjects were COPD patients attending. Twenty-four COPD patients who met inclusion criteria were randomly selected and assigned into either experimental (n = 12) or control group (n = 12). The experimental group obtained the pattern of program and the control group obtained the pattern of hospital care. Research instruments consisted of Education and Skill on Behavior to manage acute exacerbation and Readmit. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, dependent and independent t-test. The results of this study revealed that the behavior to manage were significantly higher than those receiving routine care (p &lt; 0.05) and experimental group non-Readmit 28 day than those receiving routine care and control group Readmit 28 day 25 percent.</p> 2024-04-10T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of The Royal Thai Army Nurses The Effect of a Spiritual Caring Program on Depression among Caregivers of Patients with Terminal Cancer 2023-02-28T13:28:56+07:00 Jitlada Poonsil Rangsiman Soonthornchaiya Sararud Vuthiarpa <p>The quasi-experimental pretest-posttest control group design was used. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of the spiritual caring program on depression among caregivers of patients with terminal cancer. A sample of 50 caregivers of patients with terminal cancer at the medical center was met the inclusion criteria and was randomly assigned into the experimental and the control groups, with 25 each group. The experimental group received the spiritual caring program including six sessions with 90 minutes each session, three sessions per week, while the control group received the regular nursing care. Data collection was carried out using personal questionnaires at the center for epidemiological studies depression scale (CES-D), with a reliability of 0.74. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics including percentage, mean, standard deviation and the t-test. The findings were as follows: 1) The mean score of depression among caregivers after receiving the spiritual caring program (M = 19.52, SD = 5.43) was statistically significantly lower than the mean score of depression before receiving the program (M = 22.84, SD = 5.03) (t = 2.14, p&lt;0.05); 2) The mean difference of depression score among caregivers at the pretest and posttest of the experimental group (<img title="\bar{D}" src="\bar{D}" /> = -3.24, SD = 7.73) was statistically significantly lower than the mean difference ( <img title="\bar{D}" src="\bar{D}" /><sub>2</sub>= 4.24, SD = 6.03) of the control group (t = -5.40, p&lt; .001). These findings suggest that registered nurse and health professionals can use the spiritual caring program for reduce depression among caregivers of patients with terminal cancer depression among caregivers of patients with terminal cancer.</p> 2024-04-10T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of The Royal Thai Army Nurses The Effect of a Self-Care Program Via Line Application on Self-Care in Patients undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention 2023-05-14T13:58:01+07:00 Chatnida Praditkitkul Doungrut Wattanakitkrileart Warunee Phligbua Suphot Srimahachota <p>This randomized controlled trial aimed to study effects of the self-care program via the LINE application on self-care in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention.<br />The IMB model was used as a conceptual framework. The participants were 58 patients with coronary artery disease aged 20 years and up who were scheduled for a percutaneous coronary intervention for the first time at a supertertiary hospital in Bangkok. All participants were randomly assigned to the experimental (N = 29) and control groups (N = 29). The control group received routine care while the experimental group received routine care and self-care program via the LINE application for 14 days. Data collection instruments consisted of 1) the demographic and health information questionnaire 2) The coronary artery disease knowledge and self-care questionnaire 3) The dual anti-platelet medications knowledge questionnaire 4) The self-care after undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention questionnaire and 5) The Self-Care program via Line application. All instruments were considered for coverage, accuracy and suitability of content and language used by five qualified experts. Descriptive statistics and t-test were used to analyze the data. The sample was male (75.90%). 74.20% were older than 55. The experimental group had a mean age of 57.72 years (SD = 10.87) and the control group had a mean age of 65.97 years (SD = 13.09), the sample in both groups was found to have no differences (p &gt; .05). At post-test, mean scores of self-care in the experimental group were significantly higher than that at pre-test (p &lt; .01) and more than the control group with statistical significance (t = 20.96, p &lt; .01).</p> 2024-04-10T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of The Royal Thai Army Nurses The Development of Clinical Nursing Practice Guidelines under Anesthetic Management for Vascular Access Operation in UdonThani Hospital 2024-03-16T11:59:33+07:00 Nunnapat Niemsangtaveesang Supaporn Rattanasimakorn <p>This research and development is a study to develop the Clinical Nursing Practice Guidelines under anesthesia for vascular access operation. It consists of 4 phases: 1) evidence triggered phase, 2) evidence supported phase, 3) the Clinical Nursing Practice Guidelines trial phase, and 4) implementation phase and Evaluation. The sampling was 110 patients undergoing vascular access operation anesthesia. The sampling was divided into 55 patients each of a control group and experimental group, and 48 nurse anesthetists, Udonthani hospital. The research results found that there are 6 components of the Clinical Nursing Practice Guidelines: 1) training in using the guidelines, 2) assessing patient readiness before surgery, 3) preparing patients before anesthesia by providing information through video media, 4) care during anesthesia, 5) post-anesthesia care, and 6) post-operative follow-up., The nurse anesthetists were able to use the guideline in every component 100% and had the high level of satisfaction of the guideline (mean = 4.27, SD = 0.5), complications during anesthesia after using the guidelines were less common than before using the guidelines.<br /><strong>Conclusion:</strong> Clinical nursing practice guidelines under anesthesia for vascular surgery for hemodialysis help produce good results, Therefore, it is appropriate to use it as a standard for effective nursing practice.</p> 2024-04-10T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of The Royal Thai Army Nurses Development of Nursing Management Model To Prevent and Control Infections in Hospital 2024-03-03T23:32:55+07:00 Wassana Kajonjaroenkul Kanyaporn Chaiyasak Prakob Thongchip Netenapa Thepchana Kuntalee Chaikate <p>This purposes of this research and development were 1) to develop a nursing management model for prevent and control infections in hospital and 2) to study the efficiency of using the model. The sample group consisted of 48 ward heads, supervisors, infection control nurses in the ward, and service users at Satun Hospital. The research was conducted in 3 phases: Phase 1 studied the situation, Phase 2 designed and developed images. Model Phase 3: Experiment and evaluate the use of the model. The research tools were a form created by the researcher with 4 components and a questionnaire created by the researcher. Verification of the content was checked by 3 experts.Research results: 1) The average score of service quality and satisfaction of service users is high. 2) The average score of opinions and satisfaction with the service provider’s model is high. The difference in the mean knowledge scores was greater than before using the format. Statistically significant. 3) Clinical results of pneumonia from using a ventilator. Urinary tract infection from a urinary catheter Infection from a central venous catheter and surgical wound infection After using the format, it decreased.</p> 2024-04-10T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of The Royal Thai Army Nurses Effects of A Food Literacy Enhancing Program on Eating Behavior and HbA 1 C Levels Among Elderly People with Uncontrolled Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus 2023-09-17T11:47:28+07:00 Baddhayanee Phuengphasook Nutcharat Mangkarakeree Decha Tamdee <p>A quasi-experimental research with a two group pretest–posttest design, aims to study the effects of a food literacy enhancing program on consumption behavior and HbA<sub>1</sub>c levels among elderly people with uncontrolled type 2 diabetes. The sample were 54 elderly people with uncontrolled type 2 diabetes, divided into 27 patients for experimental group and 27 patients in the control group.The research instrument composed of an intervention tool which is a food literacy enhancing program. Data collection tools include: The food consumption behavior questionnaire in the elderly with type 2 diabetes mellitus was analyzed by Paired t – test, Independent 2 Sample t – test, Chi – Square test and Fisher’s Exact test.<br />The study revealed; the experimental group had a statistically significant higher mean score of consumption behavior for glycemic control than the control group at p &lt;.001. The HbA<sub>1</sub>C levels in experimental group was significantly decreased than the control group with p = .030.<br />In conclusion, this food literacy program can promote type 2 diabetic elderly people to have better eating habits and, consequently, to better control their blood sugar levels.</p> 2024-04-10T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of The Royal Thai Army Nurses The Effects of Applied Thai Dance Aerobic Exercise Program on The Health-Related Physical Fitness of Female Students among Upper 2023-04-16T22:47:26+07:00 Piangpen Bussamongkhon Thanumporn Thonglong <p>The purpose was to study and compare the effects of an applied Thai dance aerobic exercise program on the physical fitness of female students, in upper elementary school. The subjects were 36 students from Sam Phrao Community School, divided into 2 groups: an experimental group training in an applied Thai dance aerobics program (n = 18) and a control group (n = 18), practicing for a total of 8 weeks, 3 days/week, 50 minutes, the intensity of 60 - 70 percent of maximum heart rate. The health-related physical fitness was measured before and after eight weeks, respectively. The obtained data were analyzed in terms of Mean, Standard deviation, and t–test method with a significances level of 0.05. The results revealed that it was found that the most of parameters of physical fitness after eight weeks of training had a statistically significant difference (p ≤ 0.05) when compared to before training, except for muscular strength and endurance. When comparing the experimental and control groups, it was found that their physical fitness after the experiment was significantly different at a level of .05, except for their muscular strength and endurance. Therefore, it can be concluded that exercising with an applied Thai dance aerobic exercise program is an alternative to exercising at school or various agencies. It can be used to promote the well-being of female students. elementary school</p> 2024-04-10T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of The Royal Thai Army Nurses The Effects of Breast Massage with Herbal Compress on Milk Flow among Postpartum Mothers in Doi Saket Hospital Chiangmai 2023-12-24T11:27:19+07:00 Kanyavee Siriloadjanamanee Acha Varee Sasirachun Joungloi Thinnakorn Ngoenkam Chonnipha Chonkhiao <p>This Quasi–Experimental Research aimed to compare the average time and level of milk flow between the postpartum mothers by using breast massage with herbal compress and received standard care. The sample groups are 60 postpartum mothers that took the birthplace and stayed in the recovery room, in – Patient Department, Doi Saket Hospital, Chiangmai and are divided into the control group 30 persons and the experimental group 30 persons. Data were analyzed by using descriptive and T-test statistics.<br />The results of the study were as follows. When compared the average time and level of milk flow between the control group and the experimental group during the first 30 minutes postpartum (p&gt;.001). But during the 1- and 3-hours postpartum, the experimental group by using breast massage with herbal compress had the average time and level of milk flow more than the control group significantly at the level of .001.<br /><br /><br /></p> 2024-04-11T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal of The Royal Thai Army Nurses