Evaluation of mask efficacy to prevent droplets expelled from mouth and nose to environment
medical mask, fibric mask, dropletsAbstract
The purpose of this study was to compare the efficacy of different types of face masks in preventing droplets (5 types), in 10 volunteers practicing 9 droplet producing activities. The number of droplets dispersed from each volunteer were measured at 1 and 2 meters from the source. The results revealed that the medical mask and 4 types of cloth masks have different droplet reduction potentials at distance of 1 and 2 meters. The average droplet counts in normal breathing as well as in normal speaking was not detected at 1 meter and 2 meters. The activity that had the greatest median droplet count at 1 meter was coughing loudly (90,920 particle/N/M3) and at 2 meters was vigorous breathing (6,601 particle/N/M3). In summary, when wearing masks, all types of masks can reduce droplets at 1 meter and 2 meters but reduction level are differed by different type of mask. Despite wearing a medical mask or a fabric mask of various types, droplets can still be detected at a distance of 1 meter. Therefore, we recommend social distancing should be practiced at the distance of 2 meters and suitable type of masks should be used in places where practice of distancing is limited for effective prevention of diseases.
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