Problems for their adolescents found in households with drinking parents


  • Jaruwan Tritipsombut Faculty of Public Health, Nakhon Ratchasima Rajabhat University



alcohol drinking problems, children, households where drinking parents


Drinking alcohol is a behavior that has been associated with Thai society for a long time, and it does not just affect the alcoholics themselves but also those around them. The explanatory sequential study design aims to assess the problems for the children found in the households with drinking parents. Quantitative data were collected among 379 adolescents aged 13-18 years, using the researchers-adapted questionnaire. Qualitative data were collected among seven adolescents aged 13-18 years who responded to the questionnaire and lived in various sub-districts of Mueang Nakhon Ratchasima District including two alcoholic parents, using the semi-structured interview. According to the findings, it was found that the average age of participants was 14.71years and the average number of their family members was 4.90. Approximately 58.84 percent of individuals reported having a good relationship with their family members. In the sampled families, the average number of drinkers was 1.97, of which 69.23 percent are their father and/or mother. The average age of drinkers was 43.70 years, and they started drinking when they were 22.60 years. It was also found that 63.64 percent of them often drank at their homes in the evening (83.33%), and 39.84 percent of the drinkers were also smokers. Moreover, the study sample was affected at a moderate level (7.28%) and high level (1.12%). The common problems associated with drinking parents were verbal and emotional effects, physical discomfort especially at night, and the need to take care of drinkers, as well as perceived availability of ease of access to alcohol. When assessing the relationship using the multiple logistic regression, it was also found that the household relationship and the parental smoking are related to the problems for their children living in the households with drinking parents at the significance level of 0.05 (Adjusted OR=3.02, 95% CI=1.06 to 8.61 and Adjusted OR=5.42, 95% CI=1.48 to 19.91, respectively). Therefore, relevant agencies should organize rejection or negotiation skills-building activities for parents, especially for those who drink too much, and should also provide counseling on how to get rid of drinking habits by limiting the amount and duration of their drinking in order to bring the time wasted on alcohol consumption, especially in the evening, to build a good family relationship with their family members. Those parents who both drink and smoke should be encouraged to understand and recognize the benefits of choosing to adjust their smoking behavior first. This is because the smoke that sticks to the body and clothing makes it difficult for children to physically show their love and affection for their parents.


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How to Cite

Tritipsombut J. Problems for their adolescents found in households with drinking parents. Dis Control J [internet]. 2022 Mar. 30 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];48(1):143-59. available from:



Original Article