Work environment, unsafe working behaviors and work-related accidents among informal workers aged over 45 years in Maerim district, Chiangmai province


  • Janjiraporn Janta Department of Public Health Chiang Mai Rajabhat University



Informal Workers, Occupational Environment, Unsafe Behavior, work-related accidents


This cross-sectional descriptive study aimed to study the environment and unsafe working behaviors, and the prevalence of work-related accidents. Including the relationship between occupational safety behavior and work-related accidents among informal workers aged over 45 years in Mae Rim District. The questionnaires were collected from 323 informal workers. Data was analyze using statistics such as mean, standard deviation, and chi-Square test. The results reveal moderate risk in the working environment of the sample ¯X=1.72. The most risk was working with sharp equipment/tools and working outdoors/noisy/insufficient lighting with a mean of ¯X=2.28 and ¯X=2.24, respectively. Overall, the unsafe working behavior of informal workers was found to be at moderate risk. The mean value was ¯X=1.70. The prevalence of work-related accidents was 69.97%. The analysis of the relationship found that the dressing was not tight and suitable for the job. There was a statistically significant association with the accident (OR = 0.47, 95 CI% of OR=0.27-0.81, p-value=0.004). Behavior of shortening procedures in the work. Is associated with accidents is statistically significant (OR=0.61, 95 CI% of OR = 0.38-1.00, p-value = 0.030) and behavior and not using protective equipment. is associated with accidents is statistically significant (OR = 0.44, 95 CI% of OR = 0.26-0.74, p-value = 0.001). The two related factors, environment and unsafe working behaviors lead to an accident or injury at work. Therefore, it is a sign that government agencies need to accelerate the creation of a comprehensive and inclusive legal regulation for the protection and welfare of informal workers to reduce health problems and the shortage of qualified labor in the future.


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How to Cite

Janta J. Work environment, unsafe working behaviors and work-related accidents among informal workers aged over 45 years in Maerim district, Chiangmai province. Dis Control J [internet]. 2021 Dec. 25 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];47(4):1026-37. available from:



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