Syphilis: resurgence


  • Sakchai Chaiyamahapurk Faculty of Medicine, Naresuan University
  • Rossaphorn Kittiyaowamarn Division of AIDS and Sexual Transmitted Diseases, Department of disease control



syphilis, diagnosis, treatment


Syphilis incidence per 100,000 population in Thailand increased five times from 2.16 in year 2008 to 11.51 in year 2018.  Early diagnosis and treatment of syphilis reduce the transmissions, morbidity and mortality from syphilis and congenital syphilis. Diagnosis is by using medical history, signs and symptoms, epidemiological data, and serologic testing for syphilis infection. Penicillin is a drug of choice. Syphilis can be prevented and controlled by early diagnosis and treatment, diagnosis and treatment of sexual partners, screening in pregnant women, and high-risk groups such as men having sex with men (MSM), teenagers and commercial sex workers. Condom use is still the effective way in prevent sexually transmitted diseases. This article presents a knowledge review on diagnosis and treatment of syphilis which are essential part of syphilis prevention and control.



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How to Cite

Chaiyamahapurk S, Kittiyaowamarn R. Syphilis: resurgence. Dis Control J [internet]. 2021 Jun. 27 [cited 2025 Feb. 21];47(2):199-208. available from:



Review Article