Working conditions related to slip, trip and fall injuries among elderly workers in the agricultural sector, Nong Suea District, Pathum Thani Province


  • Teeraphun Kaewdok Faculty of Public Health, Thammasat University
  • Sanpatchaya Sirisawasd Faculty of Public Health, Thammasat University
  • Sasitorn Taptagaporn Faculty of Public Health, Thammasat University



elderly workers, safety, occupational injuries, risk factors


This study was aimed to determine the working conditions and factors related to slips trips and falls among elderly workers in agricultural sector in Nong Suea District, Pathum Thani Province. A cross-sectional survey by using questionnaire was completed by 481 elderly workers. The data of questionnaire included demographic data, working conditions and the data related to slips, trips, and falls. Data analysis was performed and presented using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and multinomial logistic regression. The results revealed that most elderly workers were women (59.00%), with average age of 69.77 years (SD = 7.18); average working duration of 6.26 days per week (SD = 1.51), and 7.32 hours per day (SD = 2.14). Most working conditions involved using agricultural tools/ equipment (95.80%), doing manual material handling (82.08%). The elderly workers had experienced slips, trips, and falls in the past 12 months (38.78%). The three body parts with highest prevalence rates of injuries were knee (40.54%), leg (37.30%), and foot (27.57%). The associated factors of slips, trips, and falls were working in the farmland covering the area of more than 30 rai per year (ORadj = 2.04: 95% CI; 1.29-3.24), uncomfortable feeling while using agricultural tools (ORadj = 1.83: 95% CI; 1.10-3.03), and uneven terrains or walkways while working (ORadj = 1.69: 95% CI; 1.04-2.75). Therefore, relevant authorities should pay more attention to and address the risk factors associated with occupational ergonomics so as to raise safety awareness among elderly workers, with the aim to prevent slips, trips, and falls due to inappropriate working conditions. This can be achieved by taking into account the capabilities and limitations of elderly workers. Findings from this study may be utilized to improve working conditions among elderly workers.


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How to Cite

Kaewdok T, Sirisawasd S, Taptagaporn S. Working conditions related to slip, trip and fall injuries among elderly workers in the agricultural sector, Nong Suea District, Pathum Thani Province. Dis Control J [internet]. 2020 May 21 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];46(2):115-27. available from:



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