Comparative Study on Indoor Residual Effects of Deltamethrin 25% WG (K-O-thrin WDG) and Deltamethrin 5% WP for Malaria Control in Chanthaburi Province
Residual spray, Malaria Control, DeltamethrinAbstract
This study aimed to compare the indoor residual effects of Deltamethrin 25% WG (K-O-thrin WDG) and Deltamethrin 5% WP in Pong-Nam-Ron district , Chanthaburi Province. The bio-assay tests which following WHO standard, entomological and epidemiological studies were performed in 2005. The result revealed that residual effects against An. dirus of Deltamethrin 25% WG and 5% WP lasted up to 12 months and 6 months, respectively. The densityof Anopheles mosquitoes in the areas sprayed with Deltamethrin 25% WG was lower than the area with Deltamethrin 5% WP significantly (p-value < 0.05) while outdoor/indoor biting rate and parous rate of An. minimus in both areas were not different markedly. Impact on reducing malaria cases in both areas was not significantly different. However, people had highly accepted spraying with Deltamethrin 25% WG.
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