Factors Affecting Prevention Behavior of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever in Tumbol Thooglooknok Kampangsaeng District in Nakonpratom Province


  • สมชาย เจนลาภวัฒนกุล Kampangsaeng, Nakonpratom Province
  • วรรณวิภา สะวานนท์ Kampangsaeng, Nakonpratom Province


Prevention behavior, Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever


The main objective was to study the behavior of population for the prevention of dengue hemorrhagic fever among Tumbol Thooglooknok Kampangsaeng District in Nakonpratom Province. The study design was cross - sectional studies, the sample included 180 persons. The study was conducted between November 2007 - January 2008. The questionnaires included information on the sociodemographics char acteristics such as gender, age, current marital status, occupation, educational level, income and information knowledge, attitude and practices about dengue hemorrhagic fever. Data were subsequently analysis with descriptive, presented by mean of frequency and standard deviation. The comparison characteristics of group was conducted with chi-square test, logistic regression analysis was performed to simultaneously control of confounders. The result of the study showed that the sample were female at 63.3%. Most of the respondent (79.4%) were married and 44.4% had primary education level, 42.8% had family history of dengue hemorrhagic fever. The mean current family income was 55,741Baht per year. Overall knowledge about dengue hemorrhagic fever prevention and control found were at moderate level (46.9%). The mean of knowledge about dengue hemorrhagic fever was 7.9. The most attitude of practice toward dengue hemorrhagic fever was73.4% and at moderate level was 26.6%, the mean of score 37.5. Overall the practice about dengue hemorrhagic fever prevention and control was found to be at moderate level (39.1%), the mean of total 70.3 and the standard deviation 15.3. We found that age, education level overall were significantly related to prevention and control of dengue hemorrhagic fever (p-value<0.05). From this study it was concluded the knowledge, attitudes toward dengue hemorrhagic fever and dengue hemorrhagic fever prevention were important, thus this study could be applied in community in high incidence area or could be applied to promote other health behavior.


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How to Cite

เจนลาภวัฒนกุล ส, สะวานนท์ ว. Factors Affecting Prevention Behavior of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever in Tumbol Thooglooknok Kampangsaeng District in Nakonpratom Province. Dis Control J [Internet]. 2008 Sep. 30 [cited 2024 Dec. 20];34(3):372-8. Available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/DCJ/article/view/156575



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