Assessment of Avian Influenza Control Preparedness of Hospitals in Public Health Region 4 During 2005 - 2006.


  • เสวก นุชจ๋าย Office of Regional Disease Prevention and Control No. 4 Ratchaburi
  • จีรวรรธน์ สายทอง Office of Regional Disease Prevention and Control No. 4 Ratchaburi


Avian Influenza, preparedness of hospitals, Public Health Region 4


The objective of this study was to evaluate the avian influenza control preparedness of hospitals in Public Health Region 4 during 2005-2006. Evaluated preparedness areas included administrative support, out-patient and in-patient care for suspect avian influenza cases, laboratory diagnostic support, medical supply and logistics, and management information system. The study was carried out in 26 selected hospitals involving medical center, general hospitals and community hospitals in the Public Health Region 4. Data collection was conducted in two separate rounds, the first round during Augusts-September 2005 and the second round during August-September 2006, through interviews of concerned hospital staff using questionnaires modified from assessment templates recommended by Department of Disease Control. Study results revealed that in 2005 less than 80% of the hospitals met required achievement levels for most preparedness criteria. However, in 2006 the preparedness situations were found to be much improved. Over 80% of the hospitals reached achievement levels for most preparedness criteria; especially for stockpiling of medical supplies including Oseltamivir, rapid test kits and personal protective equipment (PPE); and for management information system. Moreover, weaknesses remained in the preparedness of administrative support, patient care and laboratory support.


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1. World Health Organization. Infection control recommendations for avian influenza in health-care facilities. 2006, April 19 [cited 2007 Dec 15]. Available from : URL : aidememoireinfcont/ en/index.html.

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3. ศศิธร ตั้งสวัสดิ์, ประคอง เทียนศรี, สุรพล ศรีบุดดา. ความพร้อมการเตรียมรับการระบาดของโรคไข้หวัดนกและไข้หวัดใหญ่ของสถานบริการสาธารณสุข ในเขตตรวจราชการที่ 10 และ 12 พ.ศ. 2549.วารสารสำนักงานป้องกันควบคุมโรคที่ 6 ขอนแก่น. 2549; 14: 102.




How to Cite

นุชจ๋าย เ, สายทอง จ. Assessment of Avian Influenza Control Preparedness of Hospitals in Public Health Region 4 During 2005 - 2006. Dis Control J [Internet]. 2018 Jun. 29 [cited 2024 Dec. 20];34(4):505-12. Available from:



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