Factors Related to Sexual Behaviour of Nakhonnayok Teenagers


  • ศรีสุรางค์ ดวงประเสริฐ Nakhon Nayok Provincial Public Health Office


Sexual behaviour, teenagers, Nakhon Nayok


The research was a Descriptive Study about the sexual behaviour of teenagers in Nakhonnayok and to identify the factor that had the relation to their sexual behaviour. The factor being studied included gender, the dwelling and parents, child order, school-record, the marriage status of parents, relatives amount, location place of the school, the behaviour risks and emotional intelligence. The sample was student at two givernmental secondary highschools in Nakhonnayok. There were 330 students surveyed simple random sampling. The questionnaire used in this study composed of three parts including personal / family data, behaviour sexual data. The accuracy for the data was confimred with the emotional intelligence questionnaire of Department of Mental Health. Frequency, percentage and Stepwise Multiple Regression Analysis were used for statistical analysis. The result showed that most of the sample had inappropriate sexual behavior and had lower emotional intelligence. The factor that had positive relation to their sexual behaviors were living with parents, the school-record and the emotional Intelligence while negative facotrs were gender and risk behaviors. (p < 0.05). Emotional Intelligence, gender, school-record had positive predict sexual behavior at 2.72 %. (p< 0.05).


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How to Cite

ดวงประเสริฐ ศ. Factors Related to Sexual Behaviour of Nakhonnayok Teenagers. Dis Control J [Internet]. 2008 Dec. 31 [cited 2024 Dec. 20];34(4):484-9. Available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/DCJ/article/view/156174



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