Evaluation of Public Health Settings in the Standard Management for the Prevention and Control of STI


  • เพ็ญศรี สวัสดิ์เจริญยิ่ง Bureau of AIDS,Tuberculosis and STI
  • พรเพ็ญ เตชะมนตรีกุล Bureau of AIDS,Tuberculosis and STI
  • อัญชลี ตริตระการ Bureau of AIDS,Tuberculosis and STI


STI services, Public Health, Settings


The aim of this observational, questionnaire - based study was to investigate current pattern of standard for the service of STI management in 86 public health settings (61 general hospitals, 22 central hospitals and 3 community hospitals) in 2007. The data were computerized to determine the frequency and percentage for statistical significance. The study showed that amongst 76 respondents which were consisted of 71 target settings and 5 non-target settings, 45 met the criteria of standard (31 general hospitals, 13 central hospitals and 1 community hospital) whereas 23 hospitals had their STI clinics situated outwards the hospitals. Majority of them serviced half day per week (16 clinics). There were 21 clinics running a full scale activities; Sawanpracharak and Mae Sot Hospital had the highest score of 97.50%. Amidst 5 former STI units which were not included in the target group of this study, Trung STI unit had highest score of 91-78%. The common problem for all health setting regardless of standard level were lack of culture for Neisseria gonorrhoeae and no treatment of NGU simultaneous for gonorrhea patients. The study suggested that cooperation between Office of Diseases Prevention and Control and Office of Provincial Health was essential to advocate standard STI service, whereas Bureau of AIDS / TB / STIs should play an important roles in policy coordination and technical support.


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How to Cite

สวัสดิ์เจริญยิ่ง เ, เตชะมนตรีกุล พ, ตริตระการ อ. Evaluation of Public Health Settings in the Standard Management for the Prevention and Control of STI. Dis Control J [Internet]. 2008 Dec. 31 [cited 2024 Dec. 20];34(4):471-83. Available from: https://he01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/DCJ/article/view/156171



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